Because, MMP, that group of disciples was so enthusiastic, every time he came out, a large group of people followed him.

Wherever he went, they followed wherever he went, and he was very troublesome.

But fortunately, before he left last time, he had already mentioned this matter to Liu Bugui, and Liu Bugui also promised him that this kind of thing would never happen again.

But what Chen Feng didn't know was that there was a young girl who had been looking for him for several days. I'm afraid it wasn't so easy to give up after meeting him.

After moving his body on the spot, Chen Feng thought for a while, and flew towards the martial arts field again.

To say why it is a martial arts field again, because he is familiar.

Basically every time he came out, he would go to the martial arts field to screen the martial arts that he had selected.

Today is the last screening. After half a month of sorting, most of the martial arts have been brushed out by him.

For this reason, he once complained that the system did not have a fusion function, otherwise, he would be able to fuse the skills.

Maybe, the personality broke out, and a skill of coaxing was created.

When he arrived at the martial arts field, Chen Feng habitually went through the martial arts he wanted to practice in his mind, and then he was ready to start.

At this moment, a coquettish shout came.

"Chen Feng! You are finally dead! ' 々!"

Chen Feng looked at the place where the voice came from, but found that it was Liu Xia'er, so he asked suspiciously.

"I said, Miss Liu, I didn't invite you to mess with you, did I?"

Liu Xia'er gritted her teeth and walked to his side, a fragrant wind rushed towards her face, Chen Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Huh, it smells so good."

Liu Xia'er, who was originally rushing over in anger, heard his words, her face flushed to the root of her neck, and she said coquettishly.


Chapter 1 I want to compete with you! (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


"Really, don't believe you smell it yourself."

Chen Feng was just a casual refusal. He could have imagined it. After Liu Xia'er glanced at him suspiciously, she really moved her nose and smelled it on her body.

After a while, he looked at him with a cute expression and said.

"No, you lied to me, right?"


Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

With his smile, Liu Xia'er knew that Chen Feng was fooling himself.

Immediately, she was so angry that she raised her fist and was about to hit Chen Feng.


The moment she raised her fist, Chen Feng stopped smiling and shouted at her.

"What are you doing!!"

"What are you doing here with me?"

Hearing this, Liu Xia'er remembered her own purpose in coming to Chen Feng, so she said sternly.

"...I want to compete with you!!"


"I said, I want to compete with you!!"


Chen Feng finally replied oh, and then ignored her.

This made Liu Xia'er a little confused, and she didn't know what he meant.

"What do you mean? Comparing or not?"

"No comparison."

Chen Feng's tone was very flat, he was not very concerned about this kind of thing.

"Why not compare!!"

Liu Xia'er puffed out her cheeks and stared at Chen Feng with two big watery eyes.

"Just kidding, am I, Chen Feng, that kind of casual person? If you say it's a comparison?"

Chen Feng pretended to exaggerate and said, but then changed his voice and looked at her with a wicked smile.

"If you can add some bets, I can still consider it."

"What a bet!!"

(Looking at Li Hao) Although Chen Feng's eyes made her feel a little uncomfortable, in order to compete with Chen Feng, she gave it up.

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