Originally, she was a relatively strong person. Among her peers, she has always been at the forefront, which is also her pride.

As a result, when Chen Feng came, he compared her, how could she accept it.

Therefore, as soon as he broke through the integration period, he wanted to come and compete with Chen Feng to prove who was the strongest among his peers.

Of course, this is not the main reason.

"Are you willing to raise the bet?"

This time, it was Chen Feng's turn to be a little surprised.

"Plus! As long as you agree to fight with me!!"

Liu Xia'er gritted her teeth and agreed.

"Well, let's talk about it first, don't let it go!!"

Chen Feng looked at Liu Xia'er's stubborn little face, and had no choice but to agree.

"My bet is...".

Chapter 2 There is still salvation (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

"If you lose, you must promise me a condition, in which case I will agree."

Chen Feng slowly stated his conditions.

When Liu Xia'er heard this, she immediately became vigilant.

"What conditions are you talking about first? If it's too much, I'd rather not fight with you."

"Don't worry, it won't be an excessive request, you can totally accept it."

Chen Feng's casual attitude made Liu Xia'er relax her vigilance and said happily instead.

"Okay, I agree, can we start?"

Shrugging, Chen Feng came to an open space and just stood there casually.

"let's start."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Xia'er's eyes narrowed, and she put on a starting gesture, and the momentum slowly radiated from her body.

Feeling this momentum, Chen Feng couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

You must know that three months ago, this girl was only the third level of Jindan. In just three months, she has crossed three major steps and reached the fifth level of integration, which is not unbelievable.

"Well, the momentum is pretty good."

Touching his chin, Chen Feng looked at Liu Xia'er in front of him, then a flash of light flashed in his head, and said with a wicked smile.

"Since it's started, I'll go up."

"You go... ah!!"

Before Liu Xia'er finished her words, she suddenly exclaimed.

"The ass is too high..."


"The waist is too stiff..."

"Chen Feng!!"

Facing Chen Feng's fast speed, Liu Xia'er didn't react for a while, and was attacked by surprise, screaming and covering the place Chen Feng attacked.

"What? 007 Aren't you going to fight?"

Chen Feng pretended to be nothing, stood in the original place, as if he hadn't moved, and looked at her innocently.

Liu Xia'er's cheeks were flushed, and she gritted her teeth and made a sound from her mouth.

"Okay!! Go ahead!!!"

She didn't believe that she couldn't compare to Chen Feng, a person in the Spirit Transformation stage! !

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Under Chen Feng's constant "pointing", Liu Xia'er ran away with her cheeks blushing, leaving a harsh word before leaving.

"You wait for me!! Today doesn't count this time!! We will continue tomorrow!!"

Chen Feng looked at Liu Xia'er who had escaped and sighed helplessly.

"Ah~ Wudi, how lonely it is."

Reaching out his hand, after recalling the touch of softness he just touched, Chen Feng's mind was swaying.

After a while, after regaining his senses, he returned to the main peak, and Liu Bugui was in the residence prepared for him.

He plans to study and research in the next few days to see if he can integrate some martial arts.

The martial skills he possessed now were all selected by him thousands of times and left after screening several times, but there were still a little more, there were hundreds or so.

As he practiced, Chen Feng was completely immersed in it.

In this way, time passed quickly in his non-stop gestures.

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