"Sect Master, why don't we surrender? Chen Feng is already dead, if we persist like this, if they rush in, our sect will be finished!!"

At this time, an elder from the outer sect said to Liu Bugui with a panicked expression.

Liu Bugui frowned, and was about to scold him when he heard Zhuge Yan speaking again from outside the formation.

"The people of the Misty Sect listen, close the big formation, come out and surrender, otherwise, the big formation will be broken, and the Misty Sect will be destroyed!!"

Hearing this, Liu Bugui's brows furrowed even tighter.

However, soon, he relaxed, just because of another sentence outside the formation.

"It's just you? Also want to destroy the Misty Sect?".

Chapter 1 Crossing the Tribulation (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

It was Chen Feng who spoke.

At this time, Chen Feng, exuding a powerful aura, stepped out of the God Execution Formation step by step, with a trace of blood still remaining all over his body.

"You! How can you be okay!!!!"

Zhuge Yan looked like he had seen a ghost, pointed at Chen Feng in horror and yelled.

Chen Feng glanced at him disdainfully and said.

"Just your formation, if I didn't need energy to improve myself, do you think I would let you trap me in that broken formation?"

When Zhuge Yan heard Chen Feng's words, his face became even more ugly.

I looked around the big formation, because the God-Execution Formation had been broken, and the disciples who formed the formation also fell to the ground.

"Chen Feng, how did you do it?"

"You don't care how I did it, are you ready to die?"

Chen Feng didn't answer Zhuge Yan's words, he just asked him "seven-five-three" in a flat tone, and then looked at the people from other sects.

"Are you ready to die?"

Seeing Chen Feng looking over, the other sects panicked.

After all, even the most powerful God Slaying Formation of the Holy Sect couldn't help Chen Feng. What would they do together?

"Don't panic! We have a lot of people, so we will attack the Misty Sect first, and if the formation is broken, we can use the people inside to blackmail him!!"

Zhuge Yan was still struggling to the death, trying to stabilize other people's emotions.

Although the effect was not very good, there were still many people who listened to his words, forcibly calmed down, and attacked the great formation of the Misty Sect.

Right now, they only have one idea, that is to break through the protective shield quickly and use the people inside to blackmail Chen Feng.

However, at this moment, there was a deafening roar from the sky.

Everyone suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.

I saw the thunderclouds rolling in the air, and the thick lightnings shuttled in and out of it.

A huge coercion of heaven and earth pressed towards Chen Feng below.

Even for Chen Feng, those around him felt enormous pressure.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

This is obviously a robbery. Who is it that crosses the robbery at this time?

"Well, is this the Thunder Tribulation of the Transcending Tribulation Period?"

Just wondering, Chen Feng's voice came from his ear.

Hearing this sentence, everyone looked at Chen Feng in unison.

And Zhuge Yan's face was even more ecstatic.

"Hahaha, Chen Feng! You actually dare to cross the robbery at this time, you are simply courting death, it seems that God is helping me!!"

"Cut, ignorant idiot."

Seeing Zhuge Yan say this, Chen Feng was even more disdainful.

When Zhuge Yan heard this, he was not dissatisfied, and still looked at Chen Feng with a smile on his face.

"Chen Feng, you also know that if there are too many people within the scope of the calamity, it will be considered by the rules of heaven and earth to help the calamity, then the power of the thunder tribulation will be even greater, if you promise me, hand over your alchemy method. , I will let them withdraw from the scope of your calamity, otherwise, you will go..."

"Go to hell, right?"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng directly connected with his words, then plucked his ears and said lazily.

"It's okay, you stay here, anyway, I can't get through the thunder tribulation, and how many of you can't survive?"

This sentence made Zhuge Yan suddenly wake up.

Yes, even Chen Feng's Thunder Tribulation is more powerful, but it will cause a ranged attack.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Yan glanced around, and then said daringly.

"So what, as long as I can destroy you, the devil who killed innocent people, I will die without regrets!!"


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