After listening to his words, Chen Feng rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Chapter 1 Crossing Tribulation (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After listening to his words, Chen Feng rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Is this stupid?Ling Ran, who can speak so righteously, has also learned a lot.


This kind of stalk is undoubtedly unknown to people in the fantasy world.

At this time, Zhuge Yan looked at Chen Feng blankly, not knowing what he meant.

"Praise you."

"oh oh."

Seeing this guy's dazed look, Chen Feng explained it to him casually, but he didn't expect that Zhuge Yan nodded with a clear expression.

This time, Chen Feng couldn't help it anymore, and he laughed out loud.

With his smile, Zhuge Yan knew that Chen Feng was playing tricks on himself.

Looking at the robbery cloud in the sky, I felt it, and the robbery cloud has almost been brewing.

Since there are at least nearly a thousand people present, the power of this thunder tribulation has reached an unprecedented level.

"Hmph, I see when you can speak your mind, take a last look at this world, and soon, you will be gone."

Zhuge Yan looked at Chen Feng with a sneer.

He didn't think that under such a powerful catastrophe, Chen Feng would be able to survive it safely.

Such a possibility, in his view, is completely zero.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Feng ignored him, went to the protective cover on his own, felt the strength of the protective cover, and found that it had been consumed a lot...  

Knowing this, Chen Feng said directly to Zhuge Yan.

"I want to cross the robbery, do you want to come together?"

This sentence made Zhuge Yan feel like he wanted to vomit blood.

Your uncle, everyone wants to hide as much as possible to escape the robbery. You'd better ask us to go with you?

Are you really impatient to live?

Holding back his anger, Zhuge Yan shouted.

"Everyone obeys the order and follows Chen Feng closely. Wherever he goes, we will go wherever he goes. We can't let him succeed in transcending the calamity!!"

Chen Feng shrugged indifferently, and then flew in the other direction.

The people below, except for the people from Shengzong, were a little overwhelmed when they heard Zhuge Yan's words.

In the end, under the leadership of his own patriarch, he also chased in the direction of Chen Feng.

After flying for a minute or two, after calculating the distance, Chen Feng stopped flying forward and stopped, waiting for the arrival of those people.

The robbery cloud in the sky dissipated the moment Chen Feng left the place, and when Chen Feng stopped, it reappeared above his head, with more power than before.

Not long after Chen Feng stopped, Zhuge Yan led the people who joined the sect to come here.

"Chen Feng, it's still too late, you give us your things and we leave, it's good for both parties, don't you really think about it?"

Zhuge Yan is still a little unwilling to give up at 0.8.

Chen Feng's death is good, but the cultivation method of alchemy will be lost again. He doesn't want to see such a result.

"……Do not you upset?!!"

Chen Feng, who had been troubled by him, threw away a martial arts god seal, and then removed all the joints in his body.

Before the people next to him could react, Chen Feng had already done all this, returned to his original position, and quietly waited for the calamity to come.

Zhuge Yan, who collapsed on the ground, had a look of fear in his eyes.

You must know that he is a person who has broken through the void in half a step, and now he is the existence of the top combat power in the barren continent today!To be subdued by Chen Feng in an instant, then his strength! ! !

Thinking of this, Zhuge Yan was desperate, and his heart was full of remorse.

However, it was too late, Jieyun had already descended the first thunder calamity.

"Look at it, how did I survive the calamity, and feel the feeling of despair by the way.".

Chapter 2 Climbing to the top (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

A thunder calamity fell, and before the others could react, it already hit Chen Feng, but he didn't dodge or defend, just forcibly resisted the first thunder calamity. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

He can hold it, but the people around him are not necessarily so.

You know, they came here this time, nearly a thousand people.

Except for the wave that was just killed by Zhentian Beast, there are still many people.

Because the thunder tribulation was strengthened, the aftermath immediately wiped out many people.

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