"Captain, someone is flying over!!"

"Nonsense! How could someone fly!!"

Aunt Bucky, who was standing on the boat, said something to the man, and then looked up in the air, and was immediately stunned.

"No, it's impossible!! Shoot me!! Shoot me!! Shoot him down."

Hearing his words, his subordinates aimed the artillery on the ship at Chen Feng, who was walking slowly in the air.

"Buckett made cannonballs, fire me!!!"



With the sound of the cannon, the cannonball whistled towards Chen Feng.

Bucket made cannonballs, and in one blow, the power generated can destroy half of the town in a linear orbit, and the power is huge.

boom! ! !

The shell accurately hit Chen Feng's body and exploded.

"Hahaha, how is the power of Uncle Bucky's special cannonball!! Even if you can fly, so what!!!"

Bucky was on the boat, looking at the power of his special cannonball with satisfaction, he laughed.

"Oh, is it?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind Bucky.

"Nani? Fragmented and emergency escape!"

In a hurry, Bucky directly used his escape skills, and his body was torn apart and turned into several parts.

"." You can't kill me, hahahaha! ! "

"Cut, split the fruit? I don't know what the effect can be in my case?"

Seeing that he was divided into several parts, Chen Feng directly grabbed his head regardless of the others.

[Ding, detected the ability of the fruit and started to copy. 】

【Copy successfully...】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the ability has been developed to the first level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the ability has been developed to the second level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the ability has been developed to level three. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the ability has been developed to level ten. 】

[Ding, ability to develop to the top, derivative skills. 】

[Incarnation outside the body: Any part of the body can be split, and the split part has one-tenth of its own strength as an incarnation. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the level of the incarnation outside the body has been raised to the entry level. 】

(The promise is good) [Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the level of the avatar outside the body has been raised to the realm of Xiaocheng. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the level of the incarnation outside the body has been raised to the realm of transformation. 】

[Incarnation outside the body (evolution): Any part of the body can be split, and the split part has all its own strength as an incarnation. 】

The system prompt made Chen Feng a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, after the ability is copied, there will be some changes, which may be related to the two worlds he has experienced before.

"You, what are you going to do!!"

Bucky, who was grabbed by Chen Feng's head, showed a look of horror on his face, and big drops of sweat flowed from his head.

"It's okay, I just want to know, can your head be divided into several parts?"

Seeing Chen Feng's dangerous gaze, Bucky felt even more panicked.

"No, don't, I was wrong, have something to say."

Chapter 3 Sea Restaurant (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"No, don't, let me go, I know I'm wrong, just say something if you have something to say."

The other parts of Bucky's body kept moving around, trying to stop Chen Feng.

"Oh? Why? Why should I let you go?"

"I, I, I have the charts of the great route, I, I have a lot of treasure!!"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng just remembered that although Nami has a wealth of navigational knowledge, if there is no specific navigational chart, even Nami can't do anything about it.

"Oh? A chart?"

Seeing that his attitude seemed to have changed, Bucky, who felt that he had a chance to survive, nodded again and again.

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