"Yes, the nautical chart of the great route, without this, it would be very difficult to do at sea!!"

"Cut, kill you, everything, including this ship, is mine."

With that said, under the terrified eyes of Bucky the Clown and the crew members, Chen Feng stretched out his finger and was about to nod towards his forehead.

Just then, two people rushed over.

"Ah, let go of our captain!!"

A man riding a lion, brandishing a whip, charged towards Chen Feng, and on the other side, a man riding a unicycle with a sword also charged.

"Water vapor, murder case!!!"

Seeing this, the other crew members resisted the fear in their hearts and rushed to 080.

"Che, I didn't want to kill you, you are courting death yourself!!"

Hearing this sentence, and looking at Chen Feng's eyes again, some of the crew couldn't help but hesitate, and their pace slowed down.

However, it was their hesitation that saved their lives.

A white light flashed, and Chen Feng disappeared from his original position, appearing in front of the few people who didn't rush over.

The few crew members, when they saw it suddenly, were immediately scared to sit on the ground and kept backing away.

Behind Chen Feng, came the sound of the bottom one after another.

The people who had just rushed up lay motionless on the ground, already without any vitality.

"This this……"

"Deputy Captain Mochi, Kabbage, all are dead!!"

Being pinched by Chen Feng, Bucky stared blankly at this scene with despair in his eyes.

"You, you actually killed them!!"

"Yes, now it's time for you to go down and accompany them."

With that said, Chen Feng pointed his finger on his head.


After a few sounds came out of his mouth, Bucky's eyes lost all vigor.

"Captain Bucky, who has the power of fruit, actually died!! Help!!"

"Let us go, don't kill us!!"

"Yes, my lord, let us go, don't kill us, let us do whatever we want."

Looking at the four people who were kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, Chen Feng did not do anything.

After all, with such a big ship, Nami can't handle it alone, and it's okay to have someone help.

Originally, he just wanted to get rid of the cadres, leaving the crew behind and sailing for himself.

If you can imagine, they all rushed over, there is no way, let's solve it all.

Fortunately, there were still a few people who were more afraid of death and did not rush to the front, which temporarily solved the manpower problem.

If there is none, Chen Feng is going to empty the ship and destroy it.

"Okay, get up, work hard in the future, and when the next destination is reached, I will consider letting you go."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, those few people froze for a while, then got up from the ground and wept with joy.

"Follow orders!!"

After waiting in place for a while, Nami drove their boat here.

"You really robbed this ship?"

Nami said to Chen Feng while instructing those people to clean up the deck.

"Tsk tsk, Nami, I told you, not to rob, but to want."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said to her seriously.

"You know, we are people of status, how can we use words like robbing to describe it."

She gave Chen Feng a blank glance, and Nami saw that they had cleaned up the deck, so she let the few people go down and carried all the things on the ship.

After all the things were moved, Chen Feng picked up a sword he found from the boat and waved it casually at the previous boat.

A huge sword light appeared out of thin air and flew towards the hull.

Chapter 3 Sea Restaurant (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

A huge sword light appeared out of thin air and flew towards the hull.

In the roar, the ship before them was directly cut into two sections by this sword light, and the fracture was extremely smooth.

Seeing that the wreckage of the ship slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, Chen Feng let them continue (bgaa).


"The one in front is the sea restaurant Bharati."

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