Seeing Hobodi like this, Nami's expression changed suddenly, she leaned on Chen Feng's shoulder pitifully and said to him.


Glancing at Nami speechlessly, Chen Feng felt that she was definitely taking revenge on him.

"Hey! Are you her man? Your woman dares to laugh at the captain of the Navy. If I don't come up with a reasonable solution today, I will report it to the Navy Headquarters and make both of you wanted!!"

Hobodi saw Nami lying on top of Chen Feng, and then looked at Chen Feng. She looked weak, but she was dressed well, and an idea came to her mind.

"Huh? Are you threatening me?"

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and said softly.

Looking at him, Hobodi didn't feel a bit of coldness when he came, and hovered around him, as if he was the prey on the top of the hunter.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Hobodi was a little cowardly.

But when I looked at the crowd around, they were all paying attention to it, and I suddenly felt embarrassed.

After all, he is a person with good face, if he backs down here, he will definitely be looked down upon.

There was no way, I had to bite the bullet and say.

"So what?"

"Oh, that's easy."

Saying that, Chen Feng faced him and raised a hand.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Hobodi's back was soaked in cold sweat. Looking at Chen Feng's hand, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

"Pointing to the gun, empty bullet."

Following Chen Feng's voice, an invisible wave shot out from Chen Feng's fingers, creating a blood hole directly in Hobodi's forehead.


Hobodi's pupils tightened instantly, and then slowly expanded.


With a muffled sound, Hobodi fell to the ground, and blood splattered all over the floor after a while.


The woman sitting across from him screamed loudly when she saw that Hobdy was dead.

As soon as she called, the other people in the restaurant were also awakened instantly, and they were too scared to sit in their seats and dare not move.

"Well, it's dirty here, let's change the location."

Looking at Hobodi, who was lying in the blood, Chen Feng stood up and walked to one side.

Wherever Chen Feng went, people everywhere hurriedly avoided.

"Sir, you scared our guests."

As he was walking, Sanji's voice came from behind him.

"Well? So what do you want?"

Chen Feng stopped, turned to look at Sanji in a black suit and yellow hair, a light flashed in his eyes, and asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to invite you out."

Sanji took a cigarette out of his arms, but when he was about to light it, he found that his hand was shaking.

But whether it was trembling with fear or trembling with excitement, Sanji couldn't tell.

He felt it just now that Chen Feng was very strong, so strong that he was absolutely unable to beat him. However, a desire to fight, he didn't know what was going on, it started to burn slowly from the beginning.

With trembling hands, he struck the match and lit the smoke.

"What if I don't go out?"

Chapter 4 Wanted (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"What if I don't go out?"

Chen Feng is still more interested in Sanji. After all, he still lacks a chef on his ship, isn't it? Although Nami can cook, but in terms of cooking skills, it is definitely not as good as the professional Sanji.

So, he put his idea on Sanji.

"Then call out."

Sanji took a deep breath, and after exhaling the smoke, Sanji said.

"Well, that's fine, if you can make me back half a step, I'll get out of here, otherwise, if you can't let me back in a minute, then come to my boat and be my cook, what? Sample?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng made such a request.

Hearing his words, Sanji thought about it for a while, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

He believes that his own strength is not enough to let him take a half step back.

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