At this time, the news of Chen Feng's killing of Hobodi was also spread by the navy who was hiding on the side, and along the way, his photo was also passed to the navy headquarters.

· · · Flowers · · · ·

In the naval headquarters, in the Sengoku office, a soldier was standing at the desk, reporting the situation to him.

"What? Hobodi was killed? Who is so bold? To kill the captain of the Admiralty!!"

"Reporting to the marshal, it was a black-haired man with an unknown name, as if he suddenly appeared in the East China Sea, and Bharati killed Captain Hobodi with one blow in the restaurant on the sea. The image is here."

With that said, the soldier handed over a photo.

"This man..."

After looking at the photos of the Warring States Period, a faint sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

"Well, I see, hand it over to the wanted room and issue the latest wanted order."

"Marshal, how much should the reward be set?"

0 ......................

"Well, he can kill the captain so easily. If you think about it, his strength is not bad, and he also killed the captain of the Admiralty Headquarters, so let's put a reward of [-] million."

"Understood, subordinates retire!"

"Wait a moment……"


Sengoku thought for a while, and then spoke again.

"Can his location be determined?"

"Report to the marshal, this person is still staying in the sea restaurant."

"Okay, I see."

After saying that, he waved at the soldier.

When the soldier saw this, he saluted him and backed away.

After a while, Sengoku picked up the phone bug on the table and dialed a number to go out.

"Mosimoxi, this is the main ship of Admiral Aokiji, may I ask who you are."

"I am the Warring States."

"Ah, Marshal of the Warring States Period! Are you looking for Admiral Aokiji?"


"I'll report it right away."

After a while, the phone bug's expression changed to a different one, and then, Aokiji's voice came over.

"Hey, Marshal."

"I will send you a photo in the past. Be sure to take this man back to the underwater prison. My feeling tells me that he will definitely become a big trouble in the future."

"……Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Warring States sent the photo to Qingzhi by fax.

Looking at the photos on the desktop, Sengoku's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Above the photo, it is Chen Feng. .

Chapter 5 Battle! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

"Tsk tsk, did you kill Hobodi? Pretty bold?"

Qingzhi looked at the photo, Chen Feng looked a little weak and was a little surprised.

After all, for people in the Pirate World, Chen Feng's physique is not considered a strong type, at most it is not bad.

For such a Chen Feng, being able to kill Hobodi, who was a captain of the navy, shows that he is quite strong.

"Well, it looks like it's time for a trip."

Saying that, he said to the soldier next to him.

"You send these pirates to the underwater prison, and I'll go out."


Walking out of the cabin, there were people coming and going on the deck. The soldiers held the pirates one by one and locked them in the bottom warehouse, which was specially designed to catch pirates.

There is a bicycle on the deck, don't ask me why, anyway, as long as Aokiji is there, there will definitely be a bicycle.

Get on the bike and dash straight off the boat.

The moment "Nine Two Three" landed on the sea, a layer of ice appeared on it. As soon as the bicycle landed on the ice, the green pheasant seemed to be driving forward rapidly.

In fact, the ability of Aokiji is very convenient. As long as there is water, he can create ice. In the sea, there is no need to worry about falling into the water. Therefore, the weakness of the devil fruit is very important to him. Basically, it doesn't exist.

Just when Aokiji went to the restaurant on the sea, somewhere in the East China Sea, Sakaski, who was called Admiral Akainu, also got news.

"Hmph, is the Warring States period confused? I was in the East China Sea, and he actually arranged for Aokiji to go."

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