Sakaski floated in midair, stepping on his feet from time to time to prevent himself from falling, and shouted at Chen Feng.

"Although I don't know why you can have the same ability as me, but if you only have this level, I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, because it is impossible for you to defeat me with 290."

Although what he said was quite arrogant, Chen Feng clearly felt that his breath was not as steady as before.

It seemed that Chen Feng's blow just now had some effect.

It's just that because it's all magma ability, the effect is not very obvious.

But he didn't care, because he was focusing on experimental ability from the beginning.

"Tsk tsk, is that so? Well, I hope you can hold on."

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth curled into a wicked smile, elementalizing his body and turning it into magma.

"Incarnate outside the body."

The voice fell, and many small pieces of magma flew from him.

After the magma split, it instantly turned into the appearance of Chen Feng.

"Next, it's time for a good show, Sakaski, you can become a dead dog with peace of mind!"

"Armed and domineering! Attack me all!"

Since the clone has no self-consciousness, but only a fighting consciousness, Chen Feng still needs to command.

Following Chen Feng's order, all the clones attacked Sakaski.

Some even split again, this time, there are more clones.

"What!! Impossible!!!"

Sakaski looked at Chen Feng's figure all over the sky, and for the first time in history, there was a sense of despair in his heart.

"Have mercy!!!".

Chapter 2 Red Dog Broken Arm (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)


As the voice came, a bone-chilling chill struck.

"That is, Admiral Aokiji?"

Standing in the distance, Sanji felt that he was going numb.

God knows how many times he was shocked when he watched Chen Feng and Akainu fight.

In particular, when he saw that Chen Feng actually used rock berries, he stayed for nearly two minutes before he woke up.

When he saw Chen Feng incarnate with his family background, he was shocked for more than a minute.

Now, Sanji said that he would not be shocked even if he saw Chen Feng use all his fruit abilities.

Therefore, when he saw the green pheasant, he didn't have any obvious emotions.

The Admiral, who is rarely seen at ordinary times, saw him twice in a short time today.

Chen Feng looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a man with small eyes, riding a bicycle, rushing over.

Although he saw the green pheasant, Chen Feng did not stop his movements, and still attacked the red dog together with his clone.

Aokiji looked at it and quickly used his abilities to create ice walls between Chen Feng and Akainu.


When they came to a place not far from them, Aokiji dropped the bicycle directly, jumped hard, and came to Akainu's side.

"Your Excellency is Chen Feng, right?"

Chen Feng glanced at him and asked.

"What? Are you here to catch me too? Two generals, um, how much is my reward?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Qingzhi was embarrassed for a while.

Although he did come to arrest Chen Feng, he was not going to follow the orders completely, but was going to act by chance.

"Well, you also know that the responsibility lies in this line of work."

"Cut, I don't need your help!"

When Sakaski heard Aokiji's words, although he was rescued by the other party, his face caused him to say the opposite.

"Oh, well, let's go together, the two of you"."

Aokiji's ability is also very useful, at least it is relatively easy to use.

When fighting in a group, just freeze a thousand miles and get it done.

"Then, offended!"

"IceBlock "Pheasant Beak""

As his voice fell, a large amount of cold air condensed on his right arm, and then an ice bird shot out from his arm and attacked Chen Feng.

Although there is still a lot of distance from the sea below, even so, it was frozen by the ice air carried by the ice bird.

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