Seen from above, a white line continued to extend forward as the ice bird advanced.

"too slow."

With a light voice, the ice bird passed directly through Chen Feng's body.

"not good!"

Seeing that the ice bird passed through Chen Feng's body without any hindrance, Qingzhi sensed something was wrong and quickly turned his body into an element.

"Bagua Palm!"

Just after he completed the elementalization, Chen Feng appeared beside him, one after another palm prints were printed on his body constantly, smashing his body into pieces.


Seeing this, Sakaski shouted, and then rushed up.

"Damn bastard, die for me!!"

"Big fire!!!"

A fist made of pure magma, when his voice fell, came out of his hand and hit Chen Feng who was attacking Qingzhi.

However, will Chen Feng let him achieve himself?

Chapter 2 Red Dog Broken Arm (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

However, will Chen Feng let him achieve himself?

the answer is negative.

I saw Chen Feng dodging and disappeared directly from his field of vision.

Seeing that Chen Feng had disappeared, Sakaski looked around quickly, but found nothing.

"People who don't have a long memory need to be educated well."

Suddenly, a voice came from above.

Looking up, I saw that Chen Feng was slashing at him from above, holding a knife made of ice in his hand.

"It's useless!!"

Seeing this, Sakaski stood there and began to brew energy.

"The elementalized me can't be beaten to death!!"

"Big fire!!!"

Seeing him standing stupidly and letting him fight, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a mocking smile.

"Really? Well, what if?"

Said, the ice blade in his hand was covered with a layer of black.

It is the armed color domineering!

When he first met the two of them, Chen Feng had already copied all their abilities and raised them to the top level.

When Akainu saw the black body on the knife, his expression suddenly changed. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late, so he had to turn his body sideways, so that Chen Feng's attack would not be said to be an attack on the key.

You must know that armed domineering is the only way to get elementalization.

This knife slashed down, directly slashing off an arm of Akainu.



Qingzhi had just recovered from Chen Feng's attack when he saw such a shocking scene.

Akainu's arm was chopped off by Chen Feng with a knife.

Because of the domineering armed look, it is said that this knife really cut off his arm.

"I'm going! The boss is amazing!!"

Sanji, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"Ah! That little brother is amazing."

Suddenly, the sound from around him startled him.

Turning around and looking, I saw that the "fins" of the restaurant were opened at some point, and all the people who were originally in the restaurant came out.

"When did you come out?"

Wiping the cold sweat from his head, Sanji asked Nami.

"Just when Chen Feng was fighting Akainu, they opened this thing up, and then they all came out."

Na (Zhao's) Mei pointed to the deck under her feet and said to Sanji.

"That's it."

Nodding his head, Sanji didn't care about them anymore, he turned to watch Chen Feng's battle with the two generals.

"My hand!!! Ah!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

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