"Meteor Volcano!!!"

Although Chen Feng cut off a hand, and cut it off permanently, but this aroused the fierceness in Akainu's heart, and directly replaced it with a magma arm, using his strongest trick.

"Sakaski!! No way!!!"

Aokiji's eyes were completely red when he saw Akainu, and he completely ignored the other innocent people around him. It was too late to stop him.

I saw Akainu's body kept rising, and then his fists produced a large number of huge lava fists with lava, like the magma of the bolide shower falling continuously, smashing towards the bottom.

"MD, what bothers me the most is trouble, don't you understand?".

Chapter 3 Suppression (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Ah!! Run away!!"

The people who were watching the battle in the sea restaurant Bharati panicked.

The magma fist that fell from the sky, with scorching temperature, kept smashing on the sea surface, and in a short while, the originally calm sea surface set off waves of waves.

Seeing this, Aokiji looked at Chen Feng and Akainu, and then looked at the sea restaurant that was constantly undulating amid the waves, gritted his teeth, and landed on the sea.

As soon as he landed on the sea, a large amount of cold air kept coming out of him, freezing the sea.

Afterwards, the green pheasant quickly ran on the sea, and the ice surface also spread with his running.

With his hands stretched out to both sides, a large amount of cold air spurted out, freezing a large area of ​​sea water.

"Look, it's Admiral Aokiji!!"

"Aokiji will save us in the future!!!"

"Thank you!! We are saved!!"

With the extension of time, the sea area around Bharati was frozen, which solved the crisis of capsize.

In the sky, Chen Feng looked at Akainu with a sullen face, stood there, motionless, and let his moves hit him.

"Die, die! 137!"

Since Chen Feng was surrounded by the smoke from the explosion, Akagi couldn't see what was inside, and didn't know that his attack was basically nothing to Chen Feng.

The smoke dissipated, and Chen Feng floated in the air unscathed.

"You, how is that possible!!!"

"Nothing is impossible, you can only say that you are too weak!"

With that said, Chen Feng strolled towards Akainu.

"Really? Am I too weak?"

Listening to Chen Feng's words, Akainu lowered his head in despair.

"don't want!!"

Qingzhi seemed to see what Chen Feng wanted to do, and instantly opened his eyes wide, and shouted loudly while rushing towards this side.

However, Chen Feng ignored Aokiji and extended his hand to Akainu.

Seemingly hearing the voice of the green pheasant, Akainu raised his head, and was surprised to find that Chen Feng was already standing in front of him and stretched out his hand to him.

In shock, he wanted to leave the place, but it was too late, and Chen Feng had already caught him.

"Chen Feng, don't be impulsive, say something if you have something to say!!"

As Aokiji rushed over, (bfag) shouted anxiously.

"Do you regret it?"


Hearing Chen Feng's words, Akainu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Feng meant.

"Come and catch me, do you regret it?"

"No regrets! Even if I die here, for justice!!"

Although there was a trace of regret in Akainu's eyes, he answered with a stern face.

"Oh? Is that so? It's such a disgusting justice, so you should disappear forever."

The voice fell, and the cold air in his hand spit out, wrapping the red dog.

"Although I don't know why you still have the ability to freeze fruit, but..."

Saying that, Akainu's body turned into a magma state.

"You can't freeze me!!"

"Hehe, nothing is absolute, your temperature is high, I just need a lower temperature than yours."

Following Chen Feng's words, Akainu started from his feet, and slowly, it was frozen.

Magma, to put it bluntly, is fire and liquid rock, and when it cools, it becomes solid.

"No, it's impossible!! How could it possibly have an effect on me!!!"

Akainu, who discovered the change in his body, fully used his abilities, and the magma on his body began to flow faster.

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