Chapter 3 Suppression (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Akainu, who discovered the change in his body, fully used his abilities, and the magma on his body began to flow faster.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the frozen part slowly extended upwards.

"Chen Feng, stop it!! If you do this, the world government will never let you go!!"

At this time, Qingzhi also came to the vicinity of Chen Feng, but he did not dare to approach any more.

Who knows, after Chen Feng kills Akainu, he will not shoot at him again.

"You mean the five old men?"

Chen Feng glanced at him disdainfully, but his hands kept moving, and gradually, the red dog was completely frozen.

"Come and kill one, you go back and tell Warring States, don't come to trouble me, if you come, don't blame me for killing as many as you come."

After he finished speaking, he threw the red dog he was holding towards Aokiji.

Aokiji hugged the Akainu that was thrown over, but when he hugged him, he was suddenly shocked and found that his hands actually showed signs of being frozen.

Quickly elementalize the body, so as to avoid the fate of being frozen.

"What a terrible ability, just the cold can make me almost frozen."

Aokiji looked at the frozen red dog in his arms with lingering fears, muttered, then raised his head and looked at Chen Feng.

"This guy is definitely not easy. He can use the ability of rockberry fruit, and he can also use my ability... don't tell me!!"

Speaking of this, Aokiji's eyes flashed with fear, an incredible look.

"You, you can actually copy other people's abilities!!"

"Sarah, who knows."

Chen Feng shrugged, turned and flew towards Bharati.

"Let's go quickly. When I change my mind, if you want to leave, it will be too late."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Aokiji was startled, and hurriedly hugged the frozen Akainu and returned to Akainu's boat.

"Admiral Aokiji, Admiral Akainu this is..."

The soldiers on the boat were very surprised when they saw Aokiji and the Akainu in his arms.

Aokiji shook his head gently and said to him.

"Send a report to the headquarters, Chen Feng's arrest failed, General Akainu acted privately, and now his life and death are unknown."

"What, what?!!!"

The soldier was shocked by the news, speechless, and froze in place.

"Don't go soon!"

Seeing that he hadn't acted yet, Aokiji had just been crushed and beaten, and suddenly burst out and roared at him.

"Yes Yes!!!"

After being yelled at like this, the soldier immediately came back to his senses, saluted in a panic, and then ran towards the sending room.

"Chen Feng, I hope you can withstand the wrath of the World Government."

Seeing Chen Feng's figure gradually disappearing, Qingzhi murmured in a trance.


Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

"Report, report!!!"

A soldier rushed in with a piece of paper in a panic.

Warring States, who was reviewing documents, looked up at the soldier, and an ominous premonition rose up.


Putting the matter in his hands down, Sengoku said with a gloomy expression.

"Report! Aokiji Great Future News, the arrest of Chen Feng failed, and General Akainu's life and death are unknown now because of his private actions."


Chapter 4: 5 Million Rewards ([-]/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Yo, Warring States, what are you doing here with me?"

As soon as Karp entered the door, he began to shout.

"Karp, before you come in next time, can you knock on the door first?"

Sengoku heard the sound and looked at Garp.

And Karp walked in swaggeringly, lying on the sofa~, eating donuts.

"Well, what's our relationship? Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it."

With a wave of his hand, Garp said while eating the senbei.

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