"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"A powerful person came out recently, you know?"

Sengoku looked at Garp with a serious face and said.

"Well? Does it have anything to do with me?"

When Karp heard the words, he still said without caring.

"Sakaski was defeated by him, and now his life and death are unknown."


Garp, who didn't care at all, was instantly shocked when he heard his words, sat up straight, and stared at Sengoku.

"How is it possible, Sakaski is a general! With the ability of rockberry fruit, how can it be defeated by a person who suddenly appeared?"

"I don't know either, so I want you to investigate and try his depth."

"Huh? You want me to be a coolie again?"

When Karp heard it, he quit.

"Well, I heard that that dangerous man is with a guy with a straw hat. A dangerous person like this may become fierce at some point, and the consequences of that may be uncertain."

As if he didn't hear what he said, Sengoku touched his chin and said to himself.

"Tsk, you are ruthless!!"

When Karp heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said to the Warring States very upset.

"Come on, they are still in the sea restaurant. If you are fast, you should be able to arrive soon."

Warring States waved his hand and continued to review his own articles.

"Hey, what an annoying guy."

Karp grumbled angrily and walked out.

After Garp left, Sengoku thought for a moment, and then called a soldier.

"Report! Lord Marshal, what do you want to tell me!"

"To update a bounty."

"Well? Lord Marshal, which bounty is it?"

"That's it, Chen Feng."

The soldier was stunned when he heard it, because Chen Feng's reward order was sent out in about three hours.

The bounty will be updated now. Do you want to reduce the bounty amount?

"Yes!! Let's go!!"

After speaking, the soldier turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, do you know how much the update reward is?"

"Well? Didn't the demon lower the bounty amount?"

The soldier was stunned when he heard the words, and asked.

"You idiot! Who told you to lower the bounty?"

Sengoku slapped the table and roared loudly.

"Go add me!"


The soldier was terrified, then stood up straight, and asked with a salute.

"Marshal, how much do you want to upgrade to?"

"Well, let's raise it to [-] million."

After thinking about it for a while, Sengoku said.

After all, Chen Feng has made Akainu's life and death still unknown, and he has also defeated Aokiji. The reward for such a person is low, and it is somewhat unreasonable.

In the restaurant on the sea, after Chen Feng came back, everyone looked at him with fear.

"Is this, this guy, a devil?"

"How can you beat Admiral Akainu like that?"

Chapter 4: 5 million reward (1/2 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page [-]/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"How can you beat Admiral Akainu like that?"

"By the way, is that guy really Admiral Akainu? Why was he beaten like that?"

"Yes, the one next to him seems to be General Aokiji."

"So, the two generals can't beat him?"

"Hey!! It's so scary!!"

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