"It's so scary!!"

Chen Feng was completely undisturbed and returned to the restaurant.

"Boss, serve, I'm already hungry after such a fight."

Nami also followed and walked back to the restaurant, sat down beside him, propped her chin, and looked at Chen Feng curiously.

"Who the hell are you? You can actually defeat Akainu?"

The speed of cooking in the restaurant on the sea was quite fast. Not long after Chen Feng sat down, the food came.

While eating, Chen Feng said.

"Me? Just an ordinary person."

"Huh? Ordinary people? Ordinary people can defeat Akainu, one of the three generals, and make Aokiji so jealous. Do you think I'm stupid?"

After Nami heard Chen Feng's words, she slapped the table and stood up and shouted.

"Aren't you hungry? Then I eat?"

Without answering her words, Chen Feng stretched out his hand to the meal in front of Nami.

"Listen well...Wait, that's my meal!!"

Sanji on the side looked at Chen Feng thoughtfully.

"It seems that following him is also a good choice."

"Hey, I heard that you are a chef?"

Just as he was thinking, Sanji heard someone talking next to him.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was the straw hat boy from before.

"Hmm, what's up?"

Looking at him suspiciously, Sanji asked.

"Hey, there's one less cook on my ship, do you want to..."

Before Luffy could finish speaking, Sanji interrupted him.

"No, no need, I've already told others."


"What? When!! Who? Stole my chef?"

Hearing Sanji's words, Luffy went berserk.

For him, food is his life.


"Let me see who it is!"

Luffy looked in the direction of his finger and saw Chen Feng who was eating.

"Well? What's the matter? Sanji?"

Finding that Sanji seemed to be in trouble, Chen Feng asked while eating.

"Well, nothing, just this straw hat kid, inviting me..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just complimenting him on the delicious food, ahaha..."

Before Sanji could finish speaking, Luffy covered his mouth.

Although Luffy's nerves are a bit big, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know the difference.

He still knew something like this obviously unbeatable.

"Oh, Sanji's food is really delicious, otherwise he wouldn't have followed me."

Hearing this, Chen Feng froze for a moment, then said with a smile.

After eating and purchasing some ingredients, Chen Feng took Nami back to the boat first, and Sanji said that he would say goodbye to the people in the restaurant.

"Well, the weather is good, it's just right to go to sea."

Standing on the deck, Chen Feng stretched his waist and said with emotion.

Suddenly, he saw a picture.

A warship with a navy logo and a dog's head hanging on the bow is heading this way.

"Oh? Is Karp here?".

Chapter 5 The Town of Beginning (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Karp's ship came to the sea restaurant.

A soldier came to Garp who was sitting on the deck.

"Lieutenant General Karp, we have arrived."


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