"Lieutenant General Garp?"


"Lieutenant General Garp!!!"

"Noisy!! I heard it!"

Karp finally raised his head, stood up, stretched, and then said.

"Let's go, let's take a look, who is the holy grail of the kid who can defeat Sakaski."

After speaking, he took out a donut from his pocket and walked while eating.

After rowing the boat, I got to Bharati, and when the door was opened, Paddy came to the door as always, and said his words with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, big... big "Nine One Zero"..."

Before he finished speaking, he could already see Karp's appearance clearly, especially after seeing the iconic headgear, he stuttered instantly.

"Well? What's the big deal?"

Karp looked at him, wondering what he would say next.

"Big...sir!! Lieutenant General Garp!!"

Paddy didn't expect this person to be Karp, and the whole person was a bunker.

"Oh, let's forget this kind of superficial effort."

Garp waved his hand, ate the donut in one bite, took out another one, and continued.

"By the way, have you met this person?"

Following his words, a soldier came out with a wanted notice. The above is what Chen Feng looks like. The reward amount below is also the latest reward amount.

"This, this person, see... see... see... have..."

When Paddy saw it, he recognized it immediately and stammered. Suddenly, his eyes almost fell out when he saw the reward amount below.

"Two hundred million, two hundred million..."

"Paddy, what's wrong? What two hundred million?"

Zapp saw Paddy, didn't know what was wrong with him, came over and asked, and also saw Karp.

"Isn't this Lieutenant General Karp, how can there be..."

Just as he was about to say hello to him, he was stunned when he saw the bounty in the hands of the soldier on the side.

"[-] million? Just kidding!!!"


"That, isn't that the one who defeated Admiral Akainu not long ago?"

"My goodness!"

"[-] million bounty!!!"

"This, at least this is the bounty of the big pirate!"

"It seems that the navy is serious."

When Karp heard the talk of the people around him, his eyes flashed and he asked.

"Have you seen this man? Where is he now?"

"Go back, go back to Lieutenant General Garp, this person left an hour ago."

Paddy looked at Garp cautiously and said to him.

"What? Didn't I run for nothing? Really, why don't I go back to sleep earlier."

Karp took another bite, swallowed the last doughnut in his hand, took out one, and swallowed it again, as if venting his grievances on the doughnut.

"Well, but in this case, I will be able to visit for a few more days. Anyway, the Warring States just asked me to come over to see the situation."

At this time, Karp had completely forgotten that he had come to see another person.

"Well, it's such a happy decision."

Chapter 5 The Town of Beginning (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well, it's such a happy decision."

After talking to himself for a while, Karp turned around and left the restaurant.

The soldiers behind him, look at me, I look at you, and finally followed quickly and returned to the warship.

"Everyone has it, let's go!!! The suspect is not here, let's go to the sea to find it."


On the ship Chen Feng named Tiandi, he was lying comfortably on a beach chair, drinking the juice made by Sanji.

"Oh, beautiful Miss Nami, your beauty makes me..."

"What's the matter, fuck me."

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