With Sanji and Nami, they were about to find a place to eat when they suddenly heard a shout, turned around and saw Zoro with green hair and three knives.

"Well? Are they here too?"

After Nami saw it, she pulled Chen Feng and then said.

"Yo, green hair."

Before Chen Feng could speak, Sanji waved directly at Zoro and shouted loudly.

Hearing Sanji's shout, Zoro looked over with black lines all over his head.

"You're the one with green hair! Your whole family has green hair!"

Seeing that it was Sanji, Zoro immediately cursed.

"Mama, don't be so excited, we know each other anyway."

"Who knows you! Go away! You stinky cook!!"

"Huh? How dare you call me a stinky cook? How old are you?"

"Che, which onion are you?"

"You guy, do you want to fight?"

"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

Chapter 1 Yo, green hair! (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Come on! Who is afraid of who!"

Seeing that the two of them had their heads pressed together, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly and walked over.

"MD, will stop work?"

One punch knocked both of them to the ground.

After doing this, Chen Feng clapped his hands and said to Zoro.

"The Luffy you're looking for may be on the execution platform, you can go to the square to see."

Zoro was lying on the ground with an angry look on his face. He was about to see who hit him when he heard such a sentence, he was stunned, then raised his head and saw Chen Feng, he was stunned.

"You, you, you, you are the man who defeated Akainu and Aokiji!!"

"Huh? What's wrong with me?" (bgca)

"Uh, it's okay, thank you for pointing the way, I'm going to find my companion."

After that, Zoro ran away.

Chen Feng, who felt inexplicable, touched his head and stopped worrying about it. He took Nami and Sanji, who had just got up from the ground, carrying a large bag, and walked towards the port.

I have been shopping for an afternoon, and it is almost the same. I have bought a lot of things that should be bought.

When passing the clothing store, I picked up the clothes and threw them directly to Sanji.

When he arrived at the port, Chen Feng suddenly found that his ship seemed to be controlled by the navy.

In front of him, a navy with a size of at least a hundred people is strictly controlling his ship.

"Are you, Chen Feng?"

A man smoking a cigar walked out of the crowd and asked Chen Feng.

"What is wrong with me?"

When he saw this man, Chen Feng had already recognized it.

Smog, Captain of the Navy, is now the naval commander of Rogue Town, and a person with the ability to smoke fruit. The whole body can be turned into smoke at will, and the smoke can materialize and trap the enemy.

The ability of the smoke fruit is very convenient to talk about, especially for someone like Chen Feng who is a bit lazy, just let the smoke go, want to take things, want to hit people, but also trap people, it's really good Not bad.

"I heard that your bounty has been updated. I want to try it. Are you worthy of this amount?"

Small's words surprised Chen Feng.

He knew about his own affairs, and the navy headquarters definitely knew about it, but, he didn't expect that the navy headquarters would put a bounty on him so quickly.

"How much Bailey?"

Chen Feng was still a little curious about the amount of his reward.

Nami and Sanji were on the side, and they had a solemn expression, but when they heard their conversation, they suddenly became curious.

Chen Feng was able to defeat Akainu, so how could this bounty be worth it?

However, they never thought that Chen Feng's bounty was indeed not low, but it was so high that they could not imagine.

"Two hundred and fifty million."

Smoker calmly spat out a number from his mouth. After hearing this number, Sanji and Nami both breathed a sigh of relief.

However, suddenly feeling that something was wrong, Qi Qi exclaimed.


"[-] million??"

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