"Did you make a mistake!!!"

Different from the surprise of the two of them, Chen Feng had a dull look on his face.

"[-] million? I remember that the highest reward seems to be only more than [-] million. It seems that I am about the same?"

Hearing his words, Sanji and Nami could not wait to go up and hammer him.

As for Smog, the corner of his mouth twitched when he heard the words, and he felt that Chen Feng was pretending to be forceful.

"Well, although you defeated General Akainu, since there is a reward, then you should stay here."

Chapter 2 Target, Navy Headquarters! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

"Look, that's Colonel Smoker!!"

"Is this the time to focus on this? Didn't you hear what Colonel Smalls said?"

"It seems to say, ~[-] million what?"

"The [-] million bounty-!! Asshole!!!"


"[-] million reward? This, this, how can such a person be in our Rogue Town!!"


Ignoring the panic of the people around him, Chen Feng stood there quietly, looking at Smog opposite him. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

"Since you know that I can defeat Akainu, why did you come to me? Didn't you hear that Akainu was killed by me?"

Hearing this, Smog, who was about to start, was stunned, and then cold sweat began to flow from his head.

"This is the first time I've heard of it."

"If you give up now, it's okay, otherwise, you will be ready to be killed by me."

The left hand was icy cold, and the right hand turned into hot magma.

The two abilities made Smog stare blankly.

"As expected of a man called Ice and Fire Walker, he can indeed use two different abilities."

"Huh? What did you just say??"

Smog's words made Chen Feng stop abruptly, and then asked with a sullen face.

Seeing him like this, Smog suddenly felt that a powerful momentum was pressing towards him.

Bean-sized sweat kept streaming down from his head, and his back was already wet.

"Use two abilities?"

"Not this sentence, the previous sentence!"

"As expected of the Ice and Fire Walker?"

Smog carefully repeated his words to one side, and as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that even the air around him would be frozen.

"MD, do those guys in the Navy Headquarters eat shit?"

Hearing this title again, Chen Feng immediately felt good.

What kind of ghost title is this, Ice and Fire Walker?I'm such a grandson! !

Nami and Sanji next to them all looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

His face turned red, and his face was about to cramp.

"Smog, send a message to Warring States, I, Chen Feng, go to him to settle the account now!"

While talking, Chen Feng came to his side, patted his shoulder, and then, with Nami and Sanji, turned around and left.

I have almost bought the things that I should buy. I was going to go shopping, but when I heard such a disgusting title, Chen Feng thought, should he make a fuss?

It is also good to take this opportunity to engage in a world government.

Smaller looked at Chen Feng's back, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses.

After regaining his senses, he realized that his back was actually soaked through.

"Where are you going now?"

Back on the boat, Nami stood in front of the rudder and asked.

"Go to Warship Island first, I have something to do."

Below the sea level of Battleship Island, there are many fossils of thousand-year-old dragons, which are useless to people in this world.

However, for Chen Feng, with the system in place, nothing is impossible.

"Battleship Island? Wait for me to find it."

After lying on the chart for a long time, she found it.

"Found it!! Near the great route."

"Let's go then."

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