Following Chen Feng's order, the sails were raised.

A five-clawed golden dragon with open teeth and dancing claws, coiled on the sail.

The open dragon mouth seemed to be making a silent roar.


"Boom blah blah..."

Navy Headquarters, in the Warring States Office.

"Hey, this is the Navy Headquarters, I am the Warring States period."

Sengoku took off his glasses, picked up the microphone on the phone bug and said.

Chapter 2 Target, Navy Headquarters! (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Sengoku took off his glasses, picked up the microphone on the phone bug and said.

"Reporting to the marshal, I am Colonel Smalls of Rogue Town, and I have a major intelligence report now."

The phone bug's face, as the call was connected, turned into Smoker's expression.

"Well, Smoker? What's the matter?"

"Report to the marshal, that man, who just left from Rogue Town."

Hearing this, Warring States was stunned, and then asked repeatedly.

"That man? Chen Feng, the Ice and Fire Walker?"

"Uh, yes."

"What did he do in Rogue Town?"

After confirming the news, Sengoku's expression turned serious.

"Uh, Marshal of Warring States, he didn't do anything. The thing I want to report is related to that title."

Hearing his words, Sengoku was stunned.

"Name? What's wrong?"

"Uh, Chen Feng, he doesn't seem to be very satisfied with this title."

"Well? So what?"

"So, he said to let you wait for him at the headquarters."

Smaller thought about it, and instead of telling him Chen Feng's original words, he changed it.

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"Oh, wait for him at the headquarters..."

Sengoku, who didn't respond for a while, responded casually, but then he realized something was wrong.

"What? He's coming to the headquarters?!!!"

"Yes, yes, Chen Feng said so."

On the other end of the phone, Smoker took two steps back, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and continued.

Sengoku's voice just now was so loud that he had to do it.

However, he could also imagine why the Warring States period was so shocked.

For a title, he had to go to the navy headquarters, and he was a person at least at the level of an admiral. How could this not make him nervous.

You know, at the level of a general, the destructive power is immeasurable.


"What else did he say?"

"there is none left……"

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone in a hurry, Sengoku thought about it and walked out.

Holy Land Mary Joa, the center of world government.

"Warring States, what do you have to do with us?"

The five old men were sitting around on the sofa, while the Warring States Period stood on the side with their heads lowered.

These five people are the Five Old Stars, the highest leaders of the world government, and the pillars of the world government.

"Report something."

"What's the matter? Has any big pirate been born?"

An old man with curly hair asked.

"No, no big pirates were born."

"Then you are looking for us, what's the matter?"

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