"Although no big pirates were born, a more terrifying person appeared."

Sengoku said with a serious face.


Hearing this, several people were stunned, and then looked at him closely.

"This person, called Chen Feng, suddenly appeared in the East China Sea Cocosia Village a few days ago, and took down the Evil Dragon Pirates. He also took care of the escaped Crick, and then killed the headquarters in Barati, a restaurant on the sea. Captain, Hopoldy."

While talking, Warring States took out a photo of Chen Feng.

"Then, when I got the news, I sent Aokiji to arrest him, but after Akainu got the news, he acted privately and ran over by himself. As a result, his life and death are unknown now, and according to Aokiji's report, this person may have Two or more Devil Fruit abilities!"


Chapter 3: Millennium Dragon Fossil (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)


Hearing the words of Warring States, the five people immediately sat up straight from the sofa, looking at him with expressions of horror.

"Two? How is it possible!!!"

"In this world, the same person can only have one kind of fruit ability!"

"This is the law! The irreversible law!!"

"How could someone have two abilities?"

The words of the Warring States period made them somewhat unacceptable.

In this world, since the existence of Devil Fruits, I have never heard of anyone who can possess more than one ability.

Now suddenly there is a Chen Feng with two abilities, how can they not be surprised?

"Warring States! Immediately issue an order to arrest this person with all their strength, at all costs!!"

Among the five, a tall man with a long beard shouted at the "[-]" Warring States with an anxious expression on his face.

"Remember! It is at all costs!!"

"But, will this..."

"Shut up! You just have to do it!"

Sengoku clenched his fists, then relaxed and said with his head lowered.

"Yes, go now."

After that, the Warring States quickly left here.

"This Warring States, recently, is a little less obedient."

Sitting aside, the old man leaning on a sword said.

"It's okay, he's just one of our dogs, don't worry."

Another old man with a blond and golden beard picked up the wine on the table, took a sip and said.

After the Warring States left the place where the Five Old Stars were, he returned to the naval headquarters.

"Come on."

Following his voice, a soldier entered his office.


"Call everyone and prepare for war."

Sengoku sat behind his desk, his face very gloomy.


The soldier was a little puzzled, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"I said, issue my order now and call everyone to the Navy headquarters."

The Warring States repeated it again.

"The war is about to begin."


Watching the figure of the soldier leaving, Sengoku added in his heart.

"The navy and a man's war."


After a day's sailing and passing through the fog, Chen Feng and the others finally came to the vicinity of Warship Island.

Warship Island, from a distance, just like its name, because of the mountains above, its shape is like a giant sailboat.

"Okay, just stop here."

Without getting close to the island, Chen Feng directly asked them to stop the boat.

"Well? Is it enough to come here? Don't need to go to the island?"

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