Hearing his words, Nami looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Well, no need."

With that said, Chen Feng walked to the side of the boat and looked at the water below.

"You wait here, I'll go down, it may take a long time, but you don't have to worry about me."

Before Nami and Sanji could react, Chen Feng plunged into the sea water.

Chapter 3: Millennium Dragon Fossils (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Before Nami and Sanji could react, Chen Feng plunged into the sea water.


Seeing Chen Feng jumping down, both of them hurried to the side of the boat and looked down, but, apart from a trace of waves, Chen Feng's figure had disappeared.

"This bastard, what are you going to do!! We still have to wait for him here."

Nami gritted her teeth and cursed, but the worry that was about to overflow in her eyes showed her mood at this time.

"Mama, since the boss said so, let's wait for him here."

Sanji was much calmer, lit a cigarette, and smoked quietly.

"By the way, I'll go get something to eat. Let's wait for him while we eat."

Hearing the words, Nami had to reluctantly glanced at the calm sea, and then walked back to the cabin.

After Chen Feng jumped into the water, a prompt came from the system.

[Ding, a large amount of unknown energy body has been detected, which can be extracted and transformed. 】

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled.

He had already guessed this point, otherwise, he would not have come here.

After so long, most of the keels have become fossils, which are useless to others. However, Chen Feng felt that the system could extract the contents, so he came here.

After swimming for a long time, he came to the bottom of the sea, and looked around, there were fossils of thousand-year-old dragons everywhere.

When he came to a fossil, Chen Feng put his hand on it.

"System, start absorbing!"

[Discover the energy body and start extracting...]

In a short time, the fossils turned into dust and floated around in the sea.

[The extraction is completed, and the experience value is obtained after conversion******]

Hearing the system's voice, Chen Feng was stunned.

He thought that the energy absorbed would enhance his physique, strength or something.

But what I didn't expect was that it would actually increase the experience, and there was still a lot of experience to increase.

At this level, it probably won't be long before he can level up.

On the bottom of the sea, there are not only a few fossils, but dozens or hundreds of them.

However, this takes a little longer.

[Ding, the problem of the host does not exist, the system can perform large-scale extraction. 】

"Why didn't you remind me sooner? How many are there?"

The system's words surprised him.

[Ding, start the number of scans... Scanning is completed, energy bodies can be extracted, one hundred and thirteen, extraction starts, it takes time, two hours. 】

"Two hours, let's start!"

After speaking, Chen Feng closed his eyes.

Under the force of the system, the surrounding fossils began to glow with light blue light, and then rushed towards Chen Feng, wrapping him up, forming a light blue light cocoon.

Time passed little by little, but Chen Feng hadn't come up yet, which made Nami worry again. 0.9

"Sanji, what do you think he's doing? Why hasn't he come up yet? Could something happen?"

Pressing the cigarette butt in his hand into the already full ashtray, Sanji lit a cigarette again and started smoking.

"What's the hurry, aren't you in a hurry if you don't see me?"

Nami glanced at the ashtray and said disdainfully.

"Before saying this, can you take a look at the ashtray?"

Hearing this, Sanji couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and then went on to smoke his own cigarette.

It was the slightly trembling hand, which explained his mood at this time.

"No! I'm going to find him!"

Nami slapped the table, stood up, and ran to the deck.

Just then, the boat shook violently.

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