"What's going on? What's the situation?".

Chapter 4 Fly to the Red Earth Continent (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"What happened? What happened?"

Sanji heard Nami's scream and followed.

As the ship fluctuated, the surrounding sea area violently tossed up.

When he saw the surging sea, he froze in place.

"This, is this going to change?"

Look at the sky, nothing has changed.

Just when they were wondering, a light group rose from the sea.

After ascending for a while, the light group turned into a little light, and it floated around, revealing the people inside.

"Chen Feng?"

When they saw this person, both Nami and Sanji cried out in surprise.

"Hey, I've kept you all waiting, I'm done with my business, let's go."

Looking at Nami and Sanji who stared at him with wide eyes, Chen Feng waved to them.

"Go? Where to go?"

After Chen Feng landed on the deck, Nami asked.

Because before, Chen Feng only said that he was going to Warship Island, but did not say where he was going.

"Go to the red soil continent, a great route!!"

"Well? Going to the great route, where did I hear that it is very dangerous?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Nami said worriedly.

"With me here, what are you afraid of? Hurry up, pull the anchor, turn the rudder, and go to the great route."

Patting her head, Chen Feng urged.

"Don't pat your head! You bastard!!"

15 Nami clapped Chen Feng's hand away and said dissatisfiedly.

Then, Nami and Sanji raised the sail together.

Originally, the warship island was not very far from the great route, and after driving for about three hours, they saw the Upside Down Mountain.

Suddenly, the ship jolted violently, and Nami, who was at the helm, suddenly turned ugly.

"Chen Feng! The current in front of us is very fast. If we go on like this, we will hit the mountain in front of us!!"

Nami, who noticed something was wrong, said to Chen Feng.

"It's okay, I'll take you up there."

Hearing this, Chen Feng said calmly.


His words made Nami a little puzzled.

Is he going to fly up with himself and Chen Feng?What about the ship?

"Yes, fly up, the whole ship is together."

With that said, a large amount of white smoke emerged from Chen Feng's body, floated under the hull, lifted the whole ship, and flew upwards.

"Wow!! It's really flying!!"

Seeing this scene, Nami couldn't help screaming in surprise, and suddenly, as if she had discovered something, she pointed to the front and shouted.

"Look! Water can actually climb mountains!!!"

Hearing her voice, Sanji and Chen Feng looked forward.

The water flowed through the red mountain wall and flowed upwards along a gap.

"Well, you know, there are still many things in the world that you can't understand."

Sanji said while smoking a cigarette, rubbing his chin.

"I heard that there are many people who want to go to the great route, and half of them are buried in the sea before entering. I think it is because of the current."

"Cut, what about him, we'll just go."

Chen Feng copied Smog's fruit ability before. After upgrading to the top level, it became stronger and diversified. Therefore, he was able to fly with the whole ship.

In a short time, they reached the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, there was only a downward river. As long as they got down here, they entered the great route.

"Let's go! Rush down in one breath!"

Floating the boat on the river, Chen Feng removed the smoke from under the boat.

"Ah!!! You slow down!!!"

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