The violent bumps made Nami a little uncomfortable.

Although he was a little uncomfortable, his eyes were still full of excitement.

"Hey! Boss! After the great route, can you take out that elephant tuna and let me make the ingredients!!"

And Sanji shouted at Chen Feng.

"Okay, when it's time, I'll take out the elephant tuna and do whatever you want."

The great route, although I have seen comics and anime before, but after all, it is not real. Now that I have really come here, Chen Feng is inevitably a little excited.

Chapter 4 Flying to the Red Land Continent (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The great route, although I have seen comics and anime before, but after all, it is not real. Now that I have really come here, Chen Feng is inevitably a little excited.

"Well, the Navy Headquarters seems to be near the Chambord Islands, but it would be a waste of time to walk slowly."

Looking at the clouds below, Chen Feng thought about it and finally made a decision.

"Well, Judiciary Island seems to have a door of justice, just go directly from the door of justice."

Poor Nami and Sanji, I still don't know what Chen Feng wants to do.

They thought that Chen Feng just wanted to go around the great route.

After coming down from the Upside Down Mountain, Chen Feng did not let Nami touch the rudder again. The reason was that he couldn't make his navigator too tired, and there were too many places that needed her later.

Although the reason was a bit far-fetched, Nami went to rest with a little doubt.

"You said, what was his idea?"

Coming to the restaurant, Nami asked Sanji to make a juice for herself, and asked while drinking.

"Who knows, if I knew, I'd be the boss."

Sanji shrugged and said he didn't know.

After taking charge of the rudder, Chen Feng strengthened his perception countless times by himself, and determined the direction. Then, under the ship, he made several ice propellers, propelling the ship, and driving forward quickly.

Speaking of which, in this world, there are motorcycles, submarines, and even sea trains.

However, most of the ships still rely on sails, which is the most incomprehensible part.

Nami and Sanji in the restaurant suddenly felt the hull of the ship shake, and then they noticed the change in speed.

When I came to the deck, I saw the surrounding scene passing by quickly.

"You, how did you do it?"

Having never felt such a speed before, Nami asked in surprise.

It was only at this moment that she realized that since following Chen Feng, it seemed that any surprising things could be found in him.

"Nothing, just made an accelerator."

With a free hand, Chen Feng made a model of a propeller and showed it to them.

"This, this device!!"

Sanji is nothing, but Nami claims to be drawing a chart of the world, so how could she have less knowledge.

As soon as I saw the propeller, I almost understood how much this kind of thing affects the speed of the boat.

In this world where only sails are used, if the propeller can come out, it will definitely be a world-changing invention.

"It's amazing, how did you come up with it?"

For Nami's amazement, Chen Feng just wanted to say...

"Basic operations, basic operations, there are many things that will surprise you later, for example, where we are about to arrive."

"Well? Where?"

530 After listening to his words, Nami asked with some doubts.

"Justice Island."


"No!! I'm going to get off the boat!!!"


The Judiciary Island, also known as the Island that Never Sleeps, was established for the world government. There is a nominal court in it. As long as the people who are detained on the Judiciary Island must have been identified as prisoners.

The prisoners will only be escorted through the empty courts, and finally reach a huge cold steel door, the door of justice. The prisoners who pass through this door generally have no return, symbolizing the world government. absolute justice.

The outer layer of Judiciary Island is surrounded by a circle of iron fences to prevent others from entering the scope of Judiciary Island.

On the watchtower at the main entrance, when the soldiers were patrolling the sea as usual, they found a ship that was rushing towards this side.

A flag fluttered in the wind with a golden five-legged... dragon?

"Hey, what do you think that is?"

A soldier asked the other person beside him.

"Huh? Let me see."

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