[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the ability of the glittering fruit has been developed to the second level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the ability of the glittering fruit has been developed to level three. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the ability of the glittering fruit has been developed to level ten. 】

[The ability of the glittering fruit is developed to the top level, using the ability to make the movement speed twice as fast as light. 】

Chen Feng's speed was already fast enough, but now he has the ability to glitter fruit, and the system has boosted it to twice the speed of light, which is basically the same as teleportation.

After the kiwi was kicked, if it wasn't for the green pheasant creating a large ice surface on the sea, I am afraid that the kiwi would fall into the sea and face it.

"You, how could you possibly keep up with my speed!!"

Huang Yuan covered his stomach, lying on the ice made by Qingzhi, barely propped himself up, looked at Chen Feng in horror and said.

"Really? Not only can I keep up, but I'm also much faster than you."

Suddenly, Chen Feng's voice came from his ears, and Huang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the Chen Feng in mid-air was slowly fading, only to realize that it was just an afterimage.


"What are you, go down!"

One foot stepped on the abdomen of the yellow monkey, and the powerful force, through his body, destroyed the ice layer below, and because of this force, the yellow monkey sank directly to the bottom of the sea.


Qingzhi shouted, then turned to look at Chen Feng, who had returned to his original position again.

"When I go to fight him later, you hurry up and save General Yellow Monkey."

After whispering to the person next to him, Qing Zhi rushed towards Chen Feng regardless.

He wanted to hold Chen Feng back and give others a chance to save Kiwi.

Ice cube "two thorn spears"! !

As he walked, a large number of ice spears appeared beside him and moved with him.

Immediately afterwards, an ice blade appeared in his hand.

"Ah!!! Die!!"

With a wave of his hand, the spear quickly shot towards Chen Feng, and he himself, waving an ice blade, slashed over with a knife.

Seeing this, Chen Feng showed a hint of mockery on his face.

"Using ice? I'm sorry, you are not qualified."

As he said that, a large number of ice spears appeared all around, and when Chen Feng waved his hand, he shot towards the front.

In an instant, Aokiji's ice spear was packed into pieces and scattered.


Seeing this, Aokiji couldn't help being shocked.

Although I know that the other party's ability may be stronger than myself, I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Looking at the beach, the soldiers who went down to rescue Kiabou still didn't come up, Aokiji gritted his teeth, waved his ice blade, and rushed up.

Chen Feng, who deliberately wanted to play with him, also condensed an ice blade and took the initiative to greet him.

"Sa, come on, let me see what you can do as a general."

Chapter 3: Disaster Day (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Sa, come on, let me see what you can do as a general."

"Hope, you won't be disappointed."

Aokiji, who rushed over all the way, heard his words and scolded him unconvincingly.

After taking such a short rest, the Warring States period has recovered.

After all, he is no longer as good as he was in his prime. Although his fighting power is still there, his physical endurance is not as good as before.

If it was in the past, like the situation just now, if you hit it, you can jump up immediately and then hit it, but now it can't be done.

Sengoku, who had slowed down, thought for a while, and instructed the people below.

"Aim all the artillery fire at him, wait for my order, everyone fires, even if they can't defeat him, they will hurt him!"

"Well, I'm afraid this won't work, right?"

Crane said worriedly.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

After speaking, Sengoku transformed again and rushed up.

"Chen Feng!!! I can't let you continue to be so arrogant!!"

"Cut, you can still fight? It seems that the strength you just used wasn't enough."

Chen Feng heard his voice, glanced at him, and then said disdainfully.

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