"I don't want to play with you anymore, I have to go shopping in the next place."

After that, Chen Feng took a step back, and a large amount of smoke poured out of his body.

"What!! The third ability!!"

Seeing the smoke, everyone's eyes were about to fall out.

In fact, it should be five abilities correctly, but they haven't seen any other abilities except frozen fruit and rockberry fruit.

Even if Chen Feng just used the ability of Glittering Fruit, but since his speed is twice as fast as light, other people can't see clearly, how can he guess his ability.

Seeing the smoke coming out of Chen Feng's body now, he immediately knew that this was another kind of ability.

At this point, the Warring States period had completely put aside the orders of the Five Old Stars.

Because he could see that even everyone present couldn't beat Chen Feng.

200 hits can't be beat, let alone arrested.

As soon as the smoke came out, it rushed in all directions, wrapping everyone up.

"Hey, Sengoku, I'll give you a choice."

Chen Feng came to the Sengoku who was struggling in the smoke and said to him.

"One, as I said, changed the title."

"Two, one billion Baileys, plus thirty Devil Fruits, of course, anything can do."


Speaking of this, Chen Feng paused for a while, then looked into his eyes and said word by word.

"Article [-], I want you to send me this matter word by word, and no concealment is allowed, otherwise, the next time, Malin Fando, it will not be like this."

After he finished speaking, he punched the ground.

A punch hit the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground in an instant, but things were not so simple.

The Warring States watched the crack grow bigger and bigger, and kept spreading forward, until it spread to the front of the fortress of the headquarters, and then there was no movement.

However, just when he breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly the ground began to vibrate, and with the vibration, a huge crack split open in the middle of the fortress of the headquarters.

Seeing the consequences of Chen Feng's attack, Warring States nodded dumbly.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I just used half of my power."

Chapter 4 Find the Five Old Stars for Accounts (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"If you can't take out so many devil fruits, even if you have one devil fruit in one billion Baileys, you can add as many Baileys as you lose a few."

Chen Feng thought for a while, but didn't ask them for so many Devil Fruits.

Because devil fruits are not used, it is really rare, even if this is the Navy headquarters, I am afraid there are not so many devil fruits.

However, when Warring States heard his words, he immediately exclaimed.

"What!! [-] billion bailey (sorry, the previous chapter is wrong, the second condition is to ask for [-] billion bailey, not hundreds of millions of bailey, the background can't be changed, explain it here, please forgive me ), one billion for one!! Why don't you go grab it?"

"Well? What, do you have an opinion?"

Hearing the words of Warring States, Chen Feng's face immediately sank, looked at him sideways, and said coldly.

"Besides, am I just robbing now?"

"Well, the Navy Headquarters can take out at most fourteen or five Devil Fruits, one billion devil Fruits, and if there is not much liquidity, they can't take out at all."

Warring States said to Chen Feng with a bitter face.

"Hey, don't tell me this, I'm just waiting for you to send me money and devil fruits."

Chen Feng said, stretched out two fingers.

"Give you two hours to prepare. If you can't get so much after two hours, then don't blame me for being rude."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng stopped looking at him and flew back to his own ship.

He had already spotted Nami and Sanji just after the fight, and drove the boat through the Gate of Justice.

"Hey, what are you doing? Do you know where this place is? If you can't beat them, what should I... what should we do?"

As soon as he got back on the boat, Nami ran up to him and started talking.

Chen Feng looked at Sanji with a wry smile, but Sanji gave him a helpless look, shrugged his shoulders, and went into the kitchen.

"Alright, alright, am I okay?"

Seeing that she still had signs of going on, Chen Feng directly pulled her into his arms and comforted her softly.

At first, Nami struggled a little when he was pulled into his arms, but slowly, she fell into his arms and started crying.

"You bastard, why do you do such a thing, don't you know I'm worried about you?"

Hearing her words, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in his heart and hugged Nami even tighter.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

Not to mention Chen Feng's relationship with Nami, and the Warring States side, he almost broke his beard.

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