Sitting in the office, after thinking about it for a long time, I took out a specific phone bug from the drawer and dialed it.

"Hey, here are the Five Old Stars."

After the phone was connected, the appearance of the phone bug changed to that of an old man, who was one of the five old stars.

"I am in the Warring States period, the arrest failed, and now the other party wants a reward, otherwise, Malin Fando will be destroyed."

Sengoku said to the phone with a solemn expression.

"What? You bastard! Aren't you a person who can use two abilities? Are there so many people in the Navy Headquarters who eat dry food?"

Hearing the words of Warring States, the other party's first reaction was to scold him, ignoring that Warring States was the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

"Wait, what did he say?"

"He said that within two hours, if you can't see [-] billion Baileys and [-] Devil Fruits, you will make Marin Vando, like Judiciary Island, become history!"

Warring States' eyes were full of anger, and gritted his teeth, he repeated his words again.

No way, he is now the Admiral of the Navy, and the Navy is directly under the World Government, which is the organization of the Five Old Stars, and he has to endure.

"Five billion baileys and thirty devil fruits? Just kidding!! You really lost the name of your naval justice!! You tell him, it's impossible, if you want to agree, then you can figure it out yourself!! That's it! It's gone!!"

Having said that, I was directly hung up.

Chapter 4 Find the Five Old Stars for an account (5/1 for subscription, for customization) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Having said that, I was directly hung up.

Warring States looked at the phone bug with a gloomy expression, his clenched fist almost crushed the microphone.

After thinking for a while, Warring States stood up and walked towards the door.

"Since you are like this, don't blame me! Humph!!"

Chen Feng, who was flirting with Nami on the boat, saw the Warring States came out again, told her, and flew to the shore.

"Well? What about money and devil fruits?"

After coming over, he didn't see the money and the devil fruit, Chen Feng frowned and asked.

"If you have money, I can give you a maximum of [-] billion baileys. If there is more, there will be no naval headquarters. You need to ask the Five Old Stars for funding from the World Government."

Warring States waved, and a group of soldiers, carrying bags and a few boxes, ran over and placed them in front of Chen Feng.

"There are [-] billion Baileys and [-] Devil Fruits here. For the money, because I just asked the Five Old Stars for instructions, but, they said..."

".say what?"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Feng put away the bags and boxes in front of him, and looked at the Warring States and asked suspiciously.

Sengoku was shocked when he saw that the boxes and bags containing money and devil fruits had disappeared, but he replied with a calm expression on his face.

"They said it was impossible."

"Hehe, impossible? Then I'll make him possible!"

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, Chen Feng smiled, walked to his side, and held his hand.

"Well, it's a pleasure to cooperate this time, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate next time."


The Warring States Period shook hands with Chen Feng without smiling, but he was roaring frantically in his heart.

"Who wants to cooperate with you again! This is a ghost cooperation! Navy Headquarters, you give me money to repair!!"

Looking at the huge crack above the headquarters of the fortress, Sengoku's heart is bleeding.

"Then, I'm leaving, goodbye~"

With a wave at the Warring States period, Chen Feng flew back to the boat.

"Let's go, go and ask for the account (Noli's)."

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"Go to the Holy Land Mary Joa and ask the Five Old Stars for the account."

"What!!!" X2

A large amount of white smoke lifted the boat again and flew towards the top of the red soil continent.

Sengoku watched the ships gradually flying away, and was filled with emotion.

"Report to the marshal. In this battle, there were heavy casualties. More than [-] soldiers were frozen, and their lives and deaths are unknown."

"Report to the marshal, now the Navy headquarters is underfunded, less than one-fifth of the original amount is left, what should I do?"

"Report to the marshal..."

Looking at the reports one after another, the Warring States began to have a headache.

However, when I thought about waiting for the Five Old Stars to face this evil star, I felt a little refreshed for no reason.

"Go to the wanted room and update Chen Feng's reward order."

"The amount of the reward is unlimited."

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