"Title, Heavenly Emperor!!".

Chapter 5 Killing the Tianlong People (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The Holy Land Mary Joa, located at the peak of the Red Continent, is the highest authority of the world government and the place where the Five Old Stars are located. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

Of course, the world aristocratic Tianlong people also live here.

The Tianlong people are the descendants of the 800 kings who established the world government 20 years ago. They call themselves "descendants of the creator" and are arrogant and domineering. They wear bubble hoods because they regard themselves as great and disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people. , and freely treat people of other races as slaves.

With all the privileges, once offended, the Admiral of the Headquarters must defend it with all his might.

It's a group of guys who see themselves as great and are called the biggest trash by people.

Male celestial dragons will add a word "sacred" to their names, while female celestial dragons will add a word "gong" after their names to show their greatness.

At this time, Saint Rosward was taking several navies to the auction.

He heard that new goods have arrived, so he can't wait to get those goods.

"Ah, the fresh goods will be available soon, I'm really happy."

Walking up and down with crutches, Saint Roswald felt that the air he was breathing was very fresh.

"Huh? What is the one in the sky?"

Walking on, St. Roswald suddenly discovered that there was a black spot in the air that was slowly becoming 840 in size.

The navy beside him heard the words and looked into the air.

Gradually, the black spots became clearer.

By the time they saw what it was, their jaws nearly dropped to the ground.

A ship is slowly falling towards here.

"Ship? That's a ship!!!"

"How can a ship fly in the sky?"

After the two soldiers looked at each other, they could see each other's thoughts in each other's eyes.

"You are here to protect Saint Roswald, and I'll raise the alarm!!"

A soldier said something to the others, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Hey! Isn't it just a ship? Your duty is to protect me!! Come back to me!!!"

No matter how Rosward Saint shouted, the soldier still ran away without looking back.

"Bastard!! I must let your boss execute you!!"

After stomping hard a few times, Saint Roswald was a little exasperated.

The rest of the soldiers looked at him like this, with a vague disgust in their eyes.

In fact, everyone is very disgusted with Tianlong people, but because of their power, there is no way.

"Is this the Holy Land Mary Joa? It's spectacular, but why is there some garbage living there?"

Standing on the boat, Nami was lying on the side of the boat, looking at the scenery below, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, who made the family a noble of the world, a person who claims to be the descendant of the creator."

Sanji smoked a cigarette and said with some emotion.

"The creator?"

As for Chen Feng, he was very disdainful of this title.

The ship did not stop, but continued to fly forward, until it came to the largest building here, and Chen Feng stopped.

"You stay here, I'll go get the bill."

After speaking, Chen Feng jumped down.

On the street at this time, people came and went, and there were Tianlong people wearing bubble hoods everywhere. At this time, when they saw Chen Feng falling from the sky, they were all stunned.

Later, when they saw that Chen Feng was not wearing a hood, they knew that he was not from Tianlong.

They couldn't bear their pride for a long time, and they were stunned in place because of a low-level person who was not a Tianlong person, so they started talking with arrogant expressions on their faces.

Chapter 5 Killing Tianlong People (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

They couldn't bear their pride for a long time, and they were stunned in place because of a low-level person who was not a Tianlong person, so they started talking with arrogant expressions on their faces.

"Hey, Saint Adorius, is this your slave?"

"No, no, no, Salia Palace, my slaves are all very polite. This person, at first glance, is that kind of savage."

Such words made Chen Feng very unhappy.

I didn't think about it at first, I just went to find the five old stars. As a result, when I came down, I was ridiculed by onlookers like this. (bgbh) No one can stand it.

Ignoring them, he snapped his fingers.

As he snapped his fingers, the white cold air quickly expanded toward the surroundings.

Those Tianlong people who thought they were nothing, turned into ice sculptures one by one when they saw the people in front of them who had been skipped by the cold air.

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