However, with their speed, where can the cold spread so fast?

Soon, within [-] meters of Chen Feng, there was no sign of life anymore.

Except for the building in front of him, which he deliberately avoided.


He stomped on the ground with one foot, and the whole ground began to tremble. A gap spread along Chen Feng's feet and spread forward.


With the sound of cracking, the wall in front of the building shattered directly.

"People in front, stop your actions quickly!! Otherwise, we will take..."

A large group of navy surrounded Chen Feng, although he was shocked and surrounded by ice sculptures, he did not dare to act rashly.

However, the moment they pointed their guns at Chen Feng, their lives were over.

Without seeing any movement from Chen Feng, a hot flame rose from the ground, and along with the flame, there was also hot magma.

In an instant, all the navy, including the surrounding ice sculptures, was engulfed by the magma and turned to ashes.

The surrounding houses were under Chen Feng's control without the slightest damage.

"Who are you? What are you here for?"

Just then, five old men came out of the building in front of him.

Four in suits and one in gi.

These five people are the five people at the peak of power in this world, the five old stars.

"Who am I, you don't need to know, just know, I'm here to find you."

Chen Feng shrugged and said to them.

The old man in the Taoist uniform raised his eyes, looked at him carefully, and said in shock.

"You, you are Chen Feng!!!"

Hearing his words, the remaining few people were shocked and took a step back.

"What? Is he Chen Feng?"

"That's right! Look behind him, the signs of the destruction of the two abilities!"

Five people discovered his identity from the signs that Chen Feng had just used the ability behind him.

It was still the curly-haired old man who stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I'm here to collect the bill!"


Chapter 1 Ancient Weapons - Heavenly King (plus [-], please subscribe, please customize)

"It doesn't matter what you charge, boy, hand over the secret that you can eat two kinds of devil fruits, and we can spare you, otherwise..."

The other four were still a little puzzled by Chen Feng's words, not knowing what he was going to charge.

At this moment, another old man in a red suit and yellow hair stood up, pointed at Chen Feng and said viciously.

A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes and disappeared - in place.

When the old man saw that Chen Feng had disappeared, he was shocked and stepped back.

But Chen Feng had already appeared in front of him, stretched out his hand, pinched his neck, and lifted him up.

"Do you know that there is a saying, "If you don't die, you won't die!"

Just as he was about to kill the old man, the old men next to him all started talking.


"You can't kill him!!"

However, they couldn't stop Chen Feng at all.

The old man in the red suit stared at him with force, only to hear a crackling sound, and then lowered his neck, losing all his vitality.

Throwing the old man aside, Chen Feng looked at the other four.


"Damn you!!"

Seeing that Chen Feng actually killed that person, the rest of the people shouted angrily at him, and then used their abilities to charge towards Chen Feng.

The Five Old Stars, after all, are five people at the peak of power in this world. It is impossible for them to have no ability. Otherwise, they will not be able to sit firmly in this position.

Except for the one that Chen Feng had just killed, and the bald swordsman, the remaining three all possessed Devil Fruit abilities, and they were all people who had developed their abilities to the extreme.

I saw the curly-haired old man Charmaco flashing gold in his eyes, his hands facing the red-suit old man Andre on the ground, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Back in time!!"

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