Although the soldier was wearing a gas mask, he was still almost spit out by the smell.

"Huh, it's so comfortable, what did you just say?"

Not long after, after a pumping sound, Magellan came out from inside, looked at him and said.

"Report! Someone invaded!!"

The soldiers report again.

"Oh? Let Hambani deal with it. No way, my stomach starts to hurt again."

After speaking, Magellan got into the toilet again.

Not long after, the sound of falling water and the smell came out again.

The soldier received the order and hurriedly left here.

In Hambani's office, the soldier just now was reporting the situation to him.

"Well? What did you say? Someone dares to be in my prison..."

Speaking of this, Hanbani quickly covered his mouth and spoke again after 16.

"Anyone dare to invade the advance city? Well, did the blue gorilla send out?"

"Report, passing."

"Where's Warden Magellan?"

Hanbani asked inadvertently.

"Warden Magellan, diarrhea in the toilet."

Hearing this, Hambani's eyes lit up and then stood up.

With his movements, his belly, which was exposed, trembled.

"Okay, let me see, who dares to make trouble in my prison."

Saying that, he walked outside.

When Chen Feng entered the advance city, he heard the surrounding noises.

"Help me..."

"help me!!!"

"anyone there??"

"Let me out!!"

After looking around, I found that only the first floor was divided into six or seven floors, and each floor had many cells.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while, and stopped looking for the passage. He directly used his feet to make a big hole in the ground, and then jumped down.

The first underground floor, this is the beginning of the real advance city prison.

Before falling to the ground, Chen Feng directly floated himself in midair and did not fall.

Because the ground is full of sharp needles and needles.

While looking at the surrounding environment, a few figures suddenly ran over from a distance.

"Help me!!"

"Don't chase me!!"

"It hurts!!"

Looking closely, it was a few prisoners who were being chased by poisonous spiders.

Seeing Chen Feng floating in the air, the prisoners shouted louder as if they saw a savior.

"Save us!!"

"Please! Help us!!"

Chen Feng ignored them, spread out his senses on his own, and looked for the person he was looking for.

The prisoners also ran past under Chen Feng at this time. After running for a while, they suddenly found that the poisonous spider did not follow.

Looking back, I saw that the poisonous spider was facing an enemy, its whole body lying on the ground, and hissing sound came from their mouthparts.


Chapter 2 Basement 5 (1/2 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page [-]/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


Just when they were just relieved, everyone suddenly froze.

Because several poisonous spiders are lying on their bodies, and the mouthparts of poisonous spiders have been deeply immersed in their flesh.

Afterwards, these people foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground, and died shortly after.

"Hey!! The people in front listen!!! Give up the resistance!!! Otherwise, there will be some good fruits for you to eat!!"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly heard someone shouting, opened his eyes and looked, but found no one.

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