Finally, in a corner, a horn was seen.

"Hahaha, don't look for it, you can't find me, now you have two choices."


In the monitoring room, Hanbani was speaking into the microphone in high spirits. The screen in front of him was exactly Chen Feng's picture. Suddenly, the picture disappeared, and it seemed that the loudspeaker was also destroyed.

"Ah!!! This bastard! What is he trying to do in my prison!! Send me all the guards and the blue gorilla!! Get him!! I'm going to torture him well!!!"

The furious Hanbani slammed his trident on the ground a few times and roared angrily.


A soldier ran outside after receiving the order.

Besides, on Chen Feng's side, after discovering that there was no life on this floor, he ran directly to the next floor.

The second underground floor is the hell of beasts.

There are many different kinds of violent demon beasts detained here. The boss is Sphinx. The prisoners who are detained on this floor know that they will become the food of the beasts sooner or later, and they don’t even have the strength to be afraid. died.

As soon as Chen Feng came down, there was a fishy wind blowing towards his face.

With a wave of his hand, an ice hand appeared in the air and slapped the thing that rushed over.

Chen Feng turned his head to look, and found that it was a monster with wings and a cock-headed snake. This was the largest monster on the second floor, Bakirisk, also called the cock-snake beast.

I saw the chicken snake beast slammed into the wall after being slapped by Chen Feng, fell down and shook its head, and rushed up at him with drooling.

Because it felt a fragrance that it had never had before from Chen Feng, so now it just wanted to eat this delicious taste that suddenly fell from the sky.

Chen Feng frowned, directly controlled the ice hand, grabbed its body, and caught it in midair.

The controlled chicken snake still twisted its body restlessly, roaring at Chen Feng, and a large amount of saliva kept pouring out.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was disgusted for a while, and froze it directly.

The frozen chicken snake beast suddenly fell from the sky and fell to the ground, turning into pieces of different sizes.

"Dead, dead, dead?"

A 550 voice came from the side. Chen Feng heard the sound and found that it was a man in a prison uniform.

When the man saw the chicken snake beast dead, he was stunned for a while, and then jumped up in ecstasy.

"Hahahaha, dead!! This guy is finally dead!!!"

The ancients said, "Extremely happy begets sadness", this sentence is absolutely correct.

A few beasts suddenly appeared from the shadows and threw the man to the ground. In an instant, there was only a wailing sound.

"Help me!!"

"No, don't eat me, don't!!!"

Chen Feng shook his head and floated forward.

On this floor, there is the monster he was looking for, Sphinx.

The Sphinx was not found, but there were a lot of lions and scorpions that looked like people.

"It's so painful!! It's so uncomfortable!"

"No bones left!!"


These lions and scorpions were under Chen Feng, and they kept jumping upwards, trying to catch Chen Feng.

This is the jailer of the second floor, Monticola.

Ordinary people, if caught by them, will be dead.

And, because their bones are somewhat similar to humans, they can imitate human voices.

"It's so disgusting."

Chen Feng looked at the lions in disgust, and a blast of magma bounced off, burning all of them to death.

Flying all the way, came to the stairs of the second floor, a behemoth, lying there at this time. .

Chapter 3 Cultivating Spirit Beasts (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Looking at this huge guy, Chen Feng thought of the Heaven-Shocking Beast.

"I don't know if this guy will awaken his intelligence after eating the awakening pill from the previous world."

After murmured, Chen Feng condensed a puck and hit it.

"Hey, big guy, it's dawn, it's time to get up."

In the previous world, Chen Feng refined many types of elixir, including the awakening elixir.

Awakening Spirit Pill is a kind of medicinal pill that can awaken beasts' wisdom. After beasts eat it, they have a certain chance of awakening their wisdom, and then they can practice.

If he hadn't seen Sphinx, he would have almost forgotten that he still had a lot of medicine pills.

However, Chen Feng also didn't know whether this medicinal pill would be effective in this world.

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