The ice puck hit Sphinx and broke into countless pieces, showing how much power Chen Feng used.

The Sphinx, who woke up from pain, roared and looked at Chen Feng with red eyes.

“Plain noodles!!!”

While calling out the name of some kind of pasta, he slapped him with his paws.

Chen Feng dodged and avoided the blow.

"Hey, big guy, tell you something, you follow me, I'll make you stronger, how about it?"

However, Sphinx ignored Chen Feng's words. It only knew that Chen Feng had just attacked it, and it was going to return it.

"Hand-Pulled Noodle!"

"Noodle soup!"

“Char Siew Noodles!!”

"Dan dan noodles!!"

Chen Feng raised his hand against its claws, no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't drop half a point.

"Hey, give me enough time."

If he didn't want to turn this so-called strongest beast into a spirit beast so that he could help himself in the future, Chen Feng would kill it directly.

Unable to beat anyone, this made Sphinx very angry and wanted to withdraw his claws, but found that his claws were tightly grasped by this man and could not be withdrawn at all.

Angered, the Sphinx also knocked out the other paw.

"handsome guy!!"

"Okay okay, I know I'm handsome, now, lay down for me!!"

While speaking, Chen Feng threw the Sphinx over his shoulder and threw it out.

Then, before it could react, Chen Feng condensed a few ice hands, pressed it to the ground, then controlled the other ice hands, clenched them into fists, and hit it one by one. .

"Is it acceptable?"? "


"I'm talking to you."


"So you like to eat noodles?"


"Let you move your paws on me."


"Still still moving?"

By the end, the Sphinx was already teary-eyed.

Lying on the ground, he looked at Chen Feng pitifully, his two front paws clasped together, and kept bowing, only a whimper remained in his mouth.

"Have you taken it?"

Seeing it like this, Chen Feng stopped fighting and asked it.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Sphinx nodded again and again.

"Well, just take it."

With that said, he removed the ice hand from Sphinx.

The sphinx, who had resumed action, squatted down in front of him.

"Hand out."

Reaching out, Sphinx stuck out his tongue and put his paws on his.

"Well, be obedient, on the other side."

Chapter 3 Cultivating Spirit Beasts (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well, be obedient, on the other side."

Seeing that Chen Feng changed hands, Sphinx quickly put his other paw on it.

"Well, it's good, darling."

Touching its paws, Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction.

Hearing Chen Feng's compliment, Sphinx actually had a smile on his face, lying on the ground with his tail swaying constantly behind him.

In the monitoring room, Hanbani and the others stared at this scene stunned.

"This, is this fake?"

"Sphinx is the strongest monster!"

"So tamed? How is it possible!!"

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