Without waiting for Chen Feng to answer, he rushed out.

Spreading his wings, he came into the air, his mouth was full of golden light, and then he lowered his head, and a beam of light spewed out of his mouth.

Any person or thing touched by this beam of light is instantly vaporized, showing how high the temperature in the beam of light is.

As it moved, the light 550 column also moved, and wherever it went, it was an open space.

After the condensed energy was finished, another wind condensed on its wings.

With the flapping of its wings, the wind blades that were weathered into one after another shot towards the surroundings.

Being slashed by the wind blade, everything turned into two halves, and even the walls, there were bottomless gaps.

"Okay, it seems that the medicinal herbs are quite powerful in transforming the monsters in this world."

Looking at the combat power displayed by the Sphinx, Chen Feng was very satisfied.

Under the various abilities of the Sphinx, all the jailer beasts and guards on the field were wiped out.

"Good job, this is for you."

With that said, Chen Feng threw a medicinal pill towards the Sphinx who flew back.

Seeing the medicine pill, Sphinx's eyes suddenly lit up, and he flew over quickly, catching the medicine pill in one bite.

However, this time there was no change, but the golden color on his body became purer.

There are still four floors below, and Chen Feng has no patience to find them one by one. (bicb)

A blade formed by magma appeared in his hand, and Chen Feng stuck it on the ground.

This knife directly penetrated the remaining layers.

"Tianyang cracks!!"

The crack was centered on the lava knife and spread out to all sides, and the entire blade melted to the ground.

As the magma spread to the surroundings, a huge column of magma sprayed up.

The magma column that spewed up stopped after nearly a minute.

After all the magma disappeared, there was only a huge round hole left in the original position on the ground, the fourth and fifth floors were the same.

"Sphinx, jump down."

Jumped onto Sphinx's head and let him jump directly.

In fact, after coming here, Chen Feng realized that he seemed to have come to the wrong place.

But it's not that there is no gain at all, after all, this is an unexpected gain for the Sphinx.

From the monitor, I saw that Chen Feng directly created a channel that leads directly to the sixth floor. Hanbani no longer dared to make any moves, and removed all the defensive forces.

The 4th chapter runs through the big hole in the advance city (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

From the monitor, I saw that Chen Feng directly created a channel that leads directly to the sixth floor. Hanbani no longer dared to make any moves, and removed all the defensive forces.

Because he knew that if someone like Chen Feng wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

At the same time, he also knew Chen Feng's identity. On the operating table in front of him, there was a piece of paper. The newly updated wanted order was actually Chen Feng's wanted order. The title was changed according to Chen Feng's wishes. became a god.

The only six prisoners on the sixth floor had already noticed the movement on the top, but they were not too surprised until Chen Feng directly penetrated several floors, and they looked at Chen Feng in shock, standing on the head of the Sphinx. .

"Well, now, I need some people to do something for me, I don't know, who would you like?"

Landing on the ground, Chen Feng looked around, looked at the few prisoners, and said.

However, after nearly a minute, still no one spoke, Chen Feng sighed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Since I'm so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude."

When the voice fell, cold air spewed out, and the entire sixth floor was filled with cold air in an instant.

"You!! You are a Devil Fruit Power!!!"

Feeling the danger of this cold air, a man with a huge body opened his mouth in horror.

"Huh? Finally someone is willing to talk? But it's too late, you all die."

After speaking, the cold air poured into all the prisons.

"No!!! No!!"

"I, my lord!! I will!!!"

"Ah!! Don't kill me!!"

In the wailing sound, Chen Feng jumped on top of Sphinx's head without looking back, patted his head, and motioned him to fly out.


After a loud roar, Sphinx spread his wings and flew upwards.

Without stopping, he flew straight to the second floor. At this time, Magellan had gathered all his troops and was ready to intercept Chen Feng.

He just had diarrhea, so he didn't know the situation in time, but even so, he could feel that things were not good.

At this moment, he stood beside the big hole that was punched out and looked down.

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