Suddenly, a black shadow rose up from below, it was Chen Feng and Sphinx.

"Are you Chen Feng? Is it you who made the push city into what it is now?"

Seeing the Sphinx, Magellan's eyes showed a dignified look.

Although the Sphinx had changed, he still recognized it.

"Dare to invade the advancing city, you can die!!"

"Poison Cloud!!!"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Feng noticed one thing.

That is, no matter where he goes, as long as it is in the Navy's territory, if you see him, you will definitely say this!

"You navy, it's really annoying and nothing new."

Said impatiently, Chen Feng condensed an ice wall, blocking Magellan's poison cloud attack.

As for the poisonous gas he emitted, it had absolutely no effect on Chen Feng.

Seeing that his attack had no effect, Magellan can be said to be very shocked.

You know, even the generals wouldn't dare not guard against his poisonous gas! !

"You, why are you not responding to my poisonous gas?".

Chapter 5 Extinction! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Looking at Magellan who was a little frightened, Chen Feng said disdainfully.

"Just your poisonous gas? It's not as fast as my body can filter it."

"I don't believe it!! The Giant Soldier of Poison: The Judgment of Hell!!!"

Magellan's eyes showed a hint of madness, and then shouted loudly.

Following his shout, a red skeleton-shaped giant condensed from poisonous gas rushed out of his body and attacked Chen Feng.

Everything you touch along the way is dyed with a layer of red-.

And those prison guards and jailer beasts who couldn't dodge, after being infected, all lay on the ground and kept wailing.

"An ant should have the consciousness of an ant."

With a cold snort, Chen Feng released a golden light from his hand.

"Go back in time!"

After the golden light shone on the skeleton giant's body, it slowly changed back to the appearance of a poisonous gas, and then returned to his body in Magellan's terrified eyes.

"Do not!!!"

After a loud roar, Magellan's whole body gradually swelled up, and finally burst open with a bang.

Since Magellan ate poisonous fruits, his body was full of toxins. After he exploded, all flesh and blood also contained highly poisonous.

Those who touched his flesh and blood around him were all poisoned. Even if Chen Feng didn't move them, they wouldn't have long to live.

Glancing at the prison guards and jailer beasts rolling on the ground, Chen Feng directed the Sphinx again and flew towards the top.

In the monitoring room, Hanbani saw all this in his eyes. At this moment, he was shivering and curled up on the chair.

After a while, after Chen Feng could no longer be seen on the monitor, Hanbani tremblingly came to the phone bug and called the Warring States Office.

"Hey, I'm Sengoku!"

"War, war, Warring States Yuan, Marshal, push, push, push the city, push the city..."

"What happened to the advance city?!!"

Hanbani can't even utter a complete sentence now, and Sengoku on the other end of the phone froze when he heard his words, and a bad thought came up.

"The promotion of the city is over!!"

In the end, Hanbani actually cried, and even forgot to say his old mantra.

"The promotion of the city is over? What's going on!!"

Sengoku realized the seriousness of the matter and asked quickly.

"Heavenly Emperor, it was made by the Heavenly Emperor!! He came to the advance city, and without saying a word, he started the advance city from the second floor and penetrated it all!!"


Hearing the words, the Warring States slumped down on the chair, stared out the window blankly, and then asked as if thinking of something.

"What about the prisoners inside?"

"The prisoners, the prisoners on the sixth floor, were all killed, and other floors also had varying degrees of casualties."

Hearing this, Warring States breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that starting from the second underground floor of the city, there are basically some prisoners with special abilities. If these people are allowed to come out, then the world will definitely not be peaceful.

That's why he was relieved when he heard Hambani say the prisoner was dead and didn't say he ran away.

"By the way, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Warden Magellan, he..."

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