Hambani brewed his emotions and continued to cry.

"Captain Magellan, honorably sacrificed!!"


Hearing this, Warring States could only sigh helplessly.

He knows Magellan's character, has a strong sense of responsibility, and has a strength close to that of a general.

Chapter 5 Extinction! (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

He knows Magellan's character, has a strong sense of responsibility, and has a strength close to that of a general.

It is conceivable what will happen when he and Chen Feng face off.

"The world will remember his contribution, and so on, bring his body to the headquarters for a rich burial!"

After thinking about it, the Warring States period explained to Hanbani.


When he left Propulsion City and returned to the ship with the Sphinx, both Nami and Sanji were taken aback.

"You, why did you go and bring back such a monster?"

Nami pointed to the Sphinx and said, a big drop of sweat dripped from his forehead.


When the Sphinx heard Nami saying it was a monster, he was dissatisfied and roared loudly.

"Ow, your face! This is my woman!!"

Chen Feng slapped it on the ground with a slap and said to it.


Sphinx covered his head, looked at Chen Feng with tears in his eyes, then crawled to Nami's feet to please, and looked at her with his tongue out.

But it suddenly crawled over, but it startled Nami again. .

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But seeing its pleasing appearance, Nami cautiously stretched out her hand and touched it.

The sphinx, touched by Nami, completely forgot his breed, and instead, like a dog, lay on the ground on all fours with his tongue drooping.

"Hey, looking at it this way, isn't it scary?"

Touching the addicted Nami, she couldn't stop, and her whole body lay on Sphinx's soft belly.

"Wow!! So soft."

Seeing Nami having fun on the Sphinx, Chen Feng took out the chart and looked at the location.

The closest place to the Gate of Justice is Chambord.

"There should be a lot of good things on this Chambord."

After thinking about it, Chen Feng directly controlled the Tiandi, fell to the sea, and drove towards the Gate of Justice.

It was because he was afraid that Nami and the others' safety would be threatened, so he kept floating in the air. At this time, he had come back, and he had a sphinx, so he wouldn't have to be so troublesome in the future.

According to the current strength of the Sphinx, ordinary lieutenant generals may not be able to beat it.

After entering the gate of justice, he saw the huge vortex again. Following the vortex, Chen Feng drove the boat and returned to the back of Judicial Island again.

When he was on Judicial Island last time, the two giants that Chen Feng met were now looking forward to the Gate of Justice.

Because Chen Feng destroyed most of Judiciary Island, leaving only a little place for them to settle down, so the two of them have no way to leave until now.

"Oymo, look, they're back!!"

Sika shook Oymo excitedly beside him, and Oymo was about to fall asleep.

"Well? What's back?"

Oymo opened his eyes sleepily and asked.

"The one who said to take us to see the leader last time!!"

As soon as Sika's words came out, Ouimo woke up instantly, staring with wide eyes, searching for Chen Feng and their ships.

"You guys, haven't you left yet?"

Seeing the two of them still waiting here, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"You said you wanted to take us to see the leader! We won't leave you until we see the leader!!".

Chapter 1 The Capital of Seven Waters (plus [-], please subscribe, please customize)

Listening to Sika's words, Chen Feng thought for a while, let them get on the boat, brought them with them, and prepared to find a time for them to find their leader by themselves.

However, just after leaving Judicial Island, Chen Feng suddenly remembered that his ship seemed to be the same as the one he robbed.

In the past, I thought it was okay, but now I'm looking at it, it's not enough.

After all, the Sphinx alone has taken up nearly half of the entire ship. Now that two giants have come up, there is basically no space on the deck.

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