Time to switch boats.

Chen Feng thought about it, controlled the boat, and sailed towards the capital of seven waters.


Just as Chen Feng was heading towards the Seven Waters Capital, in addition to advancing the city, because it has always been kept secret, and there is no news for the time being, the incident that the Holy Land Mary Joa, the naval headquarters was attacked, was publicized as "Zero Seven." zero" out.

In a certain sea area in the new world, a large fleet is standing still in this sea area.

"Dad! Daddy! Something incredible happened!!"

Marko waved the newspaper in his hand and ran to Whitebeard.

"Goo la la la, Marco, my son, what happened?"

Whitebeard said loudly while drinking wine.

"Dad, the Navy Headquarters, the Holy Land Mary Joa has been attacked!!"

As soon as Markle spoke, Whitebeard's drinking stopped.

"Huh? It's really a big thing, but it's a good thing!! Sons, when the banquet starts, Dad is very happy today, oooooooooooo!!"

Whitebeard's reaction made Marco stunned for a moment, and then asked inexplicably.

"Dad, don't you ask who it is?"

"Is it necessary to ask this kind of thing? I believe that we will meet in a short time. Now, let's have a banquet, gu la la la!!"


"Those who attacked the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joa? Well? Judicial Island was also destroyed?"

On an island in the new world, Baishou Kaido, the strongest creature in the world, is looking at the information in his hand.

"Very well, this man, I wonder if he can kill me?"

While talking, Kaido got on the boat and walked towards Dressrosa. He wanted to find Doflamingo and buy some information.

Cake Island, the red-haired Shanks' ship, and the major forces all got the news at this time.

Those who are more well-informed already know the news of the destruction of the advance city.

When I heard the news, I was shocked.

No one has dared to do such a thing since Fisher Tiger slapped the Holy Land Mary Joa.

But even Fisher Tiger was only playing around in the Holy Land Mary Joa, not attacking.

Now they learned that Chen Feng actually attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa, but also attacked the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, and Advance City.

However, Chen Feng didn't know the reactions of all parties, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't care.

When they came to the Seven Waters, Chen Feng took Nami and Sanji off the boat, except for Sphinx and the two giants, and was going to visit the famous black market here.

After all, if you want to build a ship, you still need materials, and in the black market of the Seven Waters, there are all kinds of precious shipbuilding materials, even the materials of the treasure tree Adam.

When I was about to find someone to inquire about the location of the black market, suddenly several people covered their faces, and people of different stature rushed out with weapons in their hands.

"Hand over all your valuables, out-of-towners!!"

A tall man came out and said, waving his mace.

"Tsk tsk, just worried that no one will lead the way, so you are here."

Chen Feng looked at the people in front of him, and already knew their origins in his heart.

Chapter 1: Seven Waters (Add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Chen Feng looked at the people in front of him, and already knew their origins in his heart.

"Are you from the Frankie family?"

When those few people heard Chen Feng's words, they were all shocked and looked at each other.

"What are you talking about? Don't talk so much, just hand over your valuables."

The man with the mace pretended to be vicious and said to Chen Feng.

"Hey, it's really impatient to come to rob the boss with you guys."

Sanji took a cigarette, walked out, and said disdainfully.

During these times, Chen Feng also gave him and Nami a lot of medicinal pills, and his physical strength increased a lot.

In addition, Chen Feng also handed over some martial arts to them, and his strength has improved a lot...  

"Boss, leave these people to me."

"First meat!!"

Saying that, Sanji rushed up, faster and stronger than before, hitting the man with the mace.

"Shoulder meat!"


Not long after, several people were beaten by Sanji and lay on the ground, screaming incessantly.

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