"A group of weak chickens also learn from others to rob."

Sanji pretended to say a word, then came to Chen Feng's side and said with a shy face.

"Boss, don't you think I did a good job? Can the medicinal pill from last time...hehehe..."

Chen Feng glanced at him, ignored him, walked to the person who took the lead, and asked.

"Where is the black market of the Seven Waters?"

After listening to Chen Feng's words, the man froze for a moment, and asked dumbly.

"You guys, aren't you looking for trouble with Big Brother?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"Why am I bothering you? Are you free? Tell me, where is the black market, or I'll beat you up."

"Oh, the black market, I will take you there. If no one takes you, you will get lost."

The man who took the lead immediately got up from the ground when he heard Chen Feng say that he was not bothering them.

Chen Feng stared at him dumbfounded, only then did he know that he was just pretending.

Seeing Chen Feng looking at him like this, the man didn't care about 5.7, patted the dust on his body, and took the lead to walk forward.

She and Sanji Nami looked at each other, shrugged, and followed.

"There just happened to be a black market auction today. I heard that there are a lot of good things on it. You are really right. Let me tell you, the Seven Waters is a place known as the capital of trade. It comes from..."

Along the way, Chen Feng and the others came to the black market auction house along with the mace man's babble.

If it wasn't for him to lead the way, Chen Feng couldn't help but kill him directly.

"Tickets are [-] Baileys."

As soon as they reached the door of the auction house, the guard stopped them.

He stretched his hand into his arms, took out [-] Bailey's banknotes, and handed it to the guard before walking in.

As for the mace man, he took Chen Feng and the others to the door of the auction house and left. .

Chapter 1 Black Market Auction (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

As soon as he entered the auction house, he heard the noise inside. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

At this time, the auction has not yet started, and everyone is discussing what this auction is about.

"Hey, did you hear that?"


"This auction seems to have a treasure tree Adam!"

"Nani?!! There is such a top material?"

"Yeah, this time, I brought all my property over here, more than [-] million Bailey, just want to buy the treasure tree Adam."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!! I only brought tens of millions with me this time, and buying the treasure tree Adam is not enough!!"


Listening to the discussions around, Chen Feng knew that he had come right this time.

The treasure tree Adam is one of the few strongest trees in the world. No matter how tragic the war is, it can stand unshakable and has extremely strong tenacity. The boats made from this tree are also extremely tough and strong.

A guide wearing a mask came to them.

"First 18 students, do you want to be seated in the public area or a private room?"

"Give us the best private room."

Before Chen Feng spoke, Nami spoke first.

"Uh, are you sure? The best private room needs [-] Baileys."

Nami was stunned when she heard the words, and then extended her hand to Chen Feng.

[-] Bailey is nothing to Chen Feng.

From the Navy headquarters alone, Chen Feng extorted more than [-] billion yuan, not to mention the plunder of the entire Holy Land Mary Joa.

After taking out [-] Baileys and handing them over to the guide, they were taken to one of the three private rooms on the top floor.

Just sitting down, a crisp bell rang, and everyone was quiet.

A person wearing a rabbit mask walked to the stage below.

"Everyone, welcome to this auction. I am the auctioneer this time, Mr. Bai. There are [-] items to be auctioned in this auction. Baoshu Adam, because it is special, put it at the top of the auction."

Saying that, on the screen behind, a huge log appeared, and there were many people with weapons guarding it nearby.

"Adam, the treasure tree, is one of the strongest trees in the world today. It has great tenacity, and it is best to use it to make ships."

After a pause, the auctioneer spoke again.

"Baoshu Adam, the base price is [-] million Bailey, and each time the price is increased, it must not be less than [-] million."

"Now, please bid!!"

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