By the time the navy, who went to call for people, brought people to the auction hall, there was no one in the auction hall.

Baoshu Adam was placed in a warehouse in the port by the auction house.

After all, the treasure tree Adam, even a part of it, is very large, so it is impossible to put it in the city. .

Chapter 2 The apprentice of the world's first shipbuilder (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

However, when Chen Feng and the others went to fetch things, they encountered some trouble. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

"No, you can't take this thing without proof, sorry."

Having said that, the guard walked back, ignoring Chen Feng and the others.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's face darkened.

"At the auction, we didn't give us any proof at all. How can we give it to you?"

Nami said angrily, she could see it, these people saw that there were only three of them and wanted to default.

However, if they knew that Chen Feng had just killed a Heavenly Dragon man at the auction, I am afraid that this attitude would not be the case at this time.

But in this world, there is no if.

With a thought, he directly put away the part of the treasure tree Adam.

Those guards were very puzzled when they saw that the thing suddenly disappeared.

Things are well placed here, how can they suddenly disappear.

The person just now saw Chen Feng and the others standing here, and walked over with an angry look on their faces.

"Did you guys do it? No matter how you did it, hurry up and let it out, or..."

Following his words, the others were holding weapons and surrounded them.

"Otherwise what?"

Chen Feng looked at the group of people calmly and said lightly.

Seeing him like this, Nami and Sanji looked at each other, and invariably cast pity on those people.

Feeling this weird atmosphere, the man had already flinched in his heart, but when he thought of the boss's explanation, he still said daringly.

"Otherwise, you all stay here!"

Looking at this person, Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, turned around and left.

"You guy..."

When that person saw that Chen Feng was ignoring him, he was immediately angry.

With a loud roar, he was about to rush up, but he couldn't move.

Only then did he realize that something was covered with ice under his feet, and the ice had frozen his feet to the ground and kept spreading upwards.

"This, what is this! 〃`!"

"That person! That person is a Devil Fruit Ability!!!"

"Boss, I, I can't move!!"

"Okay, it's so cold, help!!!"

"Let me go, I was wrong!! Help me!!"

The frost spread very fast, and after a while, all these people were frozen.

Before the last consciousness disappeared, the head of the guard looked at Chen Feng and the others, and countless thoughts ran through his mind. In the end, only regrets lingered in his heart.

Now that the materials are available, it's time to find a man-made boat.

If speaking of shipbuilding, the best shipbuilder in the Seven Capitals of Water is probably the mayor Esbagu, who was once the apprentice of Tom, the world's number one shipbuilder in the Seven Capitals of Water.

One Piece Gol D. Roger's ship was built by Tom, and the famous sea train was also designed and built by Tom.

However, he was later framed by Spandam and brought to Justice Island to be executed.

As his apprentice, Esbagu has obtained his true biography to some extent, and his attainments in shipbuilding are not low.

After asking for directions a few times, they came to the No. [-] Dock in the Seven Capitals of Water. According to those people, Esbagu was at the No. [-] Dock at this time.

"Hey!! Raise a little over there!!"

Chapter 2 The apprentice of the world's first shipbuilder (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hey!! Raise a little over there!!"

Looking at the busy crowd in the dock, Chen Feng found Esbagu who was in command.

"Are you Tom's apprentice?"

Esbagu turned around when he heard the sound, looked at him and the others, and asked suspiciously.

"Who are you? How do you know about my master?"

"The world's number one shipbuilder, who doesn't know?"

Chen Feng shrugged and then said.

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