"City, mayor, he, he is the emperor!!"

At this time, he took a wanted person next to him, saw Chen Feng, looked at him in disbelief, and then looked at the wanted order in his hand, and said to Esbagu cautiously, his eyes full of horror.

"God? What is it?"

Esbagu didn't read the wanted notice, so he didn't know Chen Feng's identity.

"He was the one who attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters, and also destroyed Judiciary Island!!"

When Esbagu heard the words, he stared at Chen Feng with wide eyes, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

"What are you doing here? Destroy the Seven Capitals of Water?"

"No, I'm just here to build a ship."

As Chen Feng spoke, he released the material of Baoshu Adam.

"This, this is the treasure tree Adam?"

Esbagu's attention was completely attracted when he saw the treasure tree Adam.

Walking to the material, Esbagu stretched out his hand to touch it, and murmured with a blurred eye.

"." The last time I saw Baoshu Adam was [-] years ago. At that time, it was my master who helped One Piece Gol D. Roger build a ship. The material of this treasure tree Adam was used for [-] years. Yes, I saw this material again. "

As he spoke, there was a glint in his eyes.

After a while, Esbagu rubbed his eyes, turned around, and said to Chen Feng.

"Okay, your order, I'll take it!!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked at him in surprise.

"Well? Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? You know, I was the one who attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters."

When Esbagu heard the words, he grinned and said.

"Being able to use Baoshu Adam as a ship is my dream since I was a child. Besides, the world government still doesn't dare to do anything to me."

(Qian Nuozhao) Chen Feng listened, nodded silently, and took a box out of the system space.

These are all Baileys who had been extorted from the Navy headquarters, and now they are just taken out as remuneration.

"These are labor fees. I'll give you five days. One day earlier, an extra [-] million will be added."

Esbagu looked at the box on the ground, thought for a moment, and said.

"You don't need to add money to me. The shipbuilding is quite fast, but Adam's material is quite special. Give me four days and I can build it."

Having said this, he paused and then asked.

"Do you have blueprints or any special requirements?"

"No, I believe that the skills of his apprentice, the world's number one shipbuilder, are definitely not far behind. You only need to add four propellers to me, and put them on the bow, stern and sides."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said to him. .

Chapter 3 The New Actions of the Five Old Stars (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Four days have passed since Chen Feng and the others went to commission Esbagu to build a ship. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

On this day, Chen Feng came to the No. [-] shipyard alone.

Having entered the shipyard, I found that the place here is a little different from the last time.

There's junk everywhere, and tools.

But he didn't see anything similar to a boat, which made Chen Feng wonder if the other party took the thing and ran away.

At this moment, Esbagu's voice came from behind.

"Yo, here you are."

Esbagu was wearing a work uniform, he never got out of that corner, and said hello to Chen Feng.

"Where's the boat?"

Chen Feng pointed to the empty shipyard and asked.

"The boat is in a nearby port, I'll show you."

Saying that, Esbagu took the lead and walked out, while Chen Feng followed behind him.

After walking for a long time, they came to a port that seemed to be specially designed for ships to leave the factory.

A boat with a very exaggerated shape is parked there.

"The whole ship is fifty meters long and more than twenty meters wide. There are four-story buildings on it, namely the library, the survey room, the restaurant, the entertainment room, and some facilities such as the granary."

Esbagu proudly introduced to Chen Feng that this ship was the pinnacle of his craftsmanship.

"According to what you said, four propellers are installed on the bottom of the ship, so even in the windless 643 belt, it can sail quickly."

"The faucet can fire a powerful cannon."

Chen Feng's eyes grew brighter after listening to Esbagu's introduction.

"Yes, as expected of the apprentice of the world's number one shipbuilder."

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