After jumping on the deck, I found that there is a layer of turf on the deck, which is very comfortable to step on.

Chen Feng was very satisfied with these details.

"Yes, I took this ship with me."

As he spoke, he lifted the boat and flew towards the port.

Nami, Sanji and the others are still waiting on the original boat.

Watching the ship slowly fly away, Esbagu discovered that there was an extra box on the ground.

When I opened it, it was full of treasures.

Coming to the port, with the help of two giants, after transferring everything to the new Celestial, sailed towards the Chambord Islands.

Just as they were on their way to the Chambord Islands, the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Although several days have passed, two black claws appeared out of thin air in front of the largest building, opening a gap in the air.

After a while, the opening of the hole widened to the point where another person could pass through.

A monster with two horns on its head, exuding black aura, two eyes flashing with red awns, drilled out from it.


After coming out, he roared loudly, and the black energy on his body gradually dissipated.

After the black energy dissipated, an old man appeared on the spot.

"Chen Feng!!!"

This old man is Charmaco, one of the five old stars with time ability.

At the beginning, the five of them were all trapped in the prison of time by Chen Feng, but since Charmaco had the ability to time, he quickly discovered something was wrong.

However, his ability was still unable to break Chen Feng's time prison, and it wasn't until he became demonized that he rushed out of it.

Using his ability again, he released the remaining four from inside.

"Charmarco, you, demonized?"

As soon as the old swordsman came out, he asked Charmak, who nodded with a gloomy face.

"Each time we demonize, it will shorten our lifespan by ten years."

"So, for this loss, I want Chen Feng to return it all!!"

Charmaco's face was even more ugly.

Chapter 3 The New Actions of the Five Old Stars (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Charmaco's face was even more ugly.

"Now notify the Warring States, order Qiwuhai, cooperate with the naval action, and arrest Chen Feng!!"

After saying a word bitterly, the five people walked into the house that was about to collapse.


Navy Headquarters, in the Warring States Office.


The phone worm on the table rang, and Sengoku put the pen in his hand on the table and answered the phone.

"feed me……"

"Warring States!!"

Before he could finish speaking, a roar came from the phone. (bicb)

As soon as the Warring States heard it, he heard that it was the voice of Charmako from the Five Old Stars, and he sat up straight in a conditioned reflex.


"You come to the Holy Land right now."


Although I don't know what they are looking for from me, I can guess that it is probably related to Chen Feng's attack.

Putting everything down, Sengoku rushed to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

When he came to the house where Wu Laoxing lived, he realized just how much trouble Chen Feng had made that time.

"Warring States, I order you to gather all the forces of the navy, gather Qiwuhai, find Chen Feng's location, and kill him!!"

After the Warring States stood in the hall, Charmako said to the Warring States with a gloomy face.

"But the Navy..."

When the Warring States heard the words, he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Charmaco.

"No but! Go and execute it immediately!!"

Sengoku clenched his fists and struggled for a long time before lowering his head.


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