After the Warring States period left, the major allied countries also received notices.

"The major allied countries, together with Chen Feng, will use all their strength to hunt him down. If any country kills him, the royal family of that country will be invited to the Holy Land Mary Joa and given him the status of a Heavenly Dragon. "

As soon as the news came out, all the countries were boiling.

Chen Feng, as everyone knows, attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa, the Naval Headquarters, and destroyed the Judicial Island, and advancing to the city is almost the same.

For Chen Feng, everyone is very curious and afraid.

However, because I haven't seen him, and no one has really gone to the Holy Land Mary Joa to confirm it, I'm dubious.

And Chen Feng, who was about to arrive at the Chambord Islands, naturally got the news.

"Oh, is the blood capital of this time big enough?"

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Chen Feng said sarcastically.

"You are worth enough now. If you kill you, you will be able to go to the Holy Land Mary Joa, tsk tsk."

Nami was on the side, drinking juice and teasing.

"What's the matter? Do you want to try it?"

Chen Feng glanced at her with a smirk and said.

Seeing Chen Feng's smile, Nami couldn't help shivering, and she hid and said repeatedly.

"Don't, don't, don't! I don't dare. Besides, I don't care about Tianlong people."

Hearing this, Chen Feng had no choice but to shake his head regretfully. He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to tease Nami.

"Boss, the Chambord Islands have arrived."

At this time, Sanji's voice came over, and everyone heard the sound and looked forward.

I saw a group of tall trees forming an island group, and countless bubbles floated back and forth between these trees, embellishing the place like a dream.

"This is the Chambord Archipelago?".

Chapter 4: Shambord Island? (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

The Chambord Islands (also known as the Soap Bubble Islands), the islands are made up of the largest mangrove tree, the Yalchman mangrove.

The biggest feature here is that the roots of the mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands with air to form bubbles and then fly to the sky.

Since the bubble is only suitable for the climate range of the mangrove tree, once the bubble leaves the climate domain of the Chambord Islands, the resin component will not be able to fully exert its power and explode.

The whole island is made up of 79 trees, each tree has towns and facilities, people call the archipelago of these 79 islands - "Chamberti Archipelago".

When entering the Chambord island group, Chen Feng accidentally saw a familiar ship.

The bow is a sheep-headed pirate ship with a straw hat painted on the flag.

"Huh? Are they here?"

Originally, Chen Feng thought that he had kidnapped Nami and Sanji, and destroyed Judicial Island and Advance City. Luffy's route should be changed no matter what, but, he didn't expect that Luffy actually came here.

"Well, at this time, Brook of Yellow Spring Fruit should have joined them?"

After thinking about it, Chen Feng docked his boat beside an island and walked up with Nami and Sanji. .

"Sanji, the task of replenishing supplies is left to you."

After driving Sanji away, Chen Feng walked around the island with Nami.

As he was walking, a man came over and bumped into Chen Feng.

"Boy, don't you have eyes?"

After the man hit Chen Feng, Chen Feng was fine. Instead, he fell to the ground. After getting up, he scolded angrily.

"Are your eyes blind? You don't see the road?"

"Obviously it was you who bumped into it! Instead, the thief shouted to catch the thief here!!"

Nami heard him speak a little ugly, and couldn't help but refute.

Seeing this, Chen Feng pulled her back and didn't let her continue talking.

That person didn't see Nami just now, but now that he saw it, his eyes were about to pop out of his sockets.

"Boy, as long as you let this woman beside you accompany me, just now..."

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't say it anymore.

I saw Chen Feng's eyes flashing with astonishing killing intent, looking at the person in front of him.

The cold air slowly rose from the ground and covered him.

Starting from the feet, it slowly spread upwards. In his terrified eyes, the frozen position slowly covered his neck, and finally froze his entire body.

Walking in front of that person, looking at his eyes that had lost their vitality, but still had a hint of fear, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Lao Tzu's woman is also something you can spy on?"

At this moment, a voice came.


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