Following this sound, messy footsteps came from behind them.

Turning to look, there were about a dozen people, holding weapons in their hands, looking at Chen Feng angrily.

"What did you do to Sodo!!!"

The one who took the lead raised the musket in his hand towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at him, and the man immediately bent down as if he had been hit by something, with his back arched high, his head bowed, his mouth wide open, and the musket in his hand fell to the ground.

"Captain! Boss, what's wrong with you!!"

"Captain, don't scare us!!!!"

Seeing their boss, just took out his gun, he fell to the ground for some reason, and didn't move.

The rest of the people gathered around.

But no matter how they called, their boss remained motionless on the ground.

"This person! This person must have done it!!"

Chapter 4: Shambord Island? (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"This person! This person must have done it!!"

"Fuck him!! Avenge the captain!!!"


Those people, who were already swept away by anger, didn't even think about the gap between themselves and their opponents, so they rushed up with weapons.

Waiting for their results, of course, like the first person, they were frozen into ice sculptures one by one.

Their lives naturally ended at the moment when they were frozen.

After dealing with these people, Chen Feng continued to walk around with Nami.

They landed from Island No. [-]. If they were to go to Island No. [-], they had to walk a lot.

Fortunately, this place has its specialties.

Bubble car, a type of transportation that can only be used in the Shampoy Islands.

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Stopped a car on the side of the road, negotiated the price, and asked him to take him and Nami to the No. [-] island.

Admiring the unique scenery along the way, Chen Feng chatted with Nami.

When passing by Island No. [-], Chen Feng suddenly saw a name and hurriedly stopped the driver.

With a confused face, Nami got out of the car, came to the door of a bar, pushed the door and walked in.

"Aunt Shao's ripping off BAR? What's this name?"

Nami looked up at the name of the bar and was very puzzled, what was Chen Feng doing here.

But she didn't struggle for a long time, and followed in.

"Ara, this little brother, what would you like to drink?"

Chen Feng came to the front of the bar, and there was a woman who was still charming, smoking a cigarette and greeting.


"I heard that you can buy any news here, is it true or false??"

Looking at this woman, Chen Feng smiled and then said.

"Well? What are you talking about? I'm a bar here. I don't have any other business. If you want, brother, you can go to the illegal zone on the [-]th."

With that said, Aunt Shao brought him a glass of wine.

"This glass of wine is for you, little brother, let's go."

He picked up the wine glass and looked at the slightly cloudy liquid inside. Chen Feng drank it all in one gulp, then wiped his mouth and asked.

"Hey, [-] million Bailey, is that okay?"

As soon as these words came out, Aunt Shao stopped wiping the cup with her hand.

After a while, he returned to his original state, and said as if he didn't care.

"Hey, what do you want to ask, little brother? Are you willing to pay such a big price? I'm afraid it's not a good thing, right?"

"No, I just want to know the exact location of the Four Emperors."

Moving his hands, he directly placed [-] million Baileys in the counter, and Chen Feng asked what he wanted to know.

"Four emperors? If there are four people, [-] million seems a bit insufficient."

"Then add more."

After that, another [-] million appeared in the bar.

"Well, it's alright, this time is enough."

Aunt Shao said while wiping the cup.

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