"The words of the four emperors...".

Chapter 5 Bounty Hunter (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Aunt Shao, thank you."

After learning the general trace of the Four Emperors from Aunt Shao, Chen Feng walked outside with satisfaction.

"Walk slowly, Heavenly Emperor..."

After Chen Feng disappeared from the bar, Aunt Shao turned around, looked at the wooden door that was still shaking, and whispered softly.

As soon as Chen Feng came out, a white-bearded and white-haired old man with glasses and a cloak walked over. When the two passed by, they paused slightly.

After the old man walked into the bar, he went straight to the bar and asked.

"That kid just now, it's not easy."

"Isn't it simple, Heavenly Emperor Chen Feng, who can use a variety of abilities, is wanted by the world government."

Aunt Shao poured a glass of wine and put it in front of him and said.

"And he also released ruthless words, whoever can kill Chen Feng, the Emperor of Heaven, can enter the "Seven Nine Zeros" and live in the Holy Land Mary Joa, and be given the status of Tianlong."

"Huh? Which guy is that?"

Reilly froze for a moment, then didn't care.

"Well, let him go, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

After walking out of the bar, Nami followed behind Chen Feng and asked some puzzled questions.

"What are you asking about the traces of the Four Emperors? Are you still going to beat them?"

"Yes, just beat them, otherwise what would you do with them?"

Chen Feng is in a good mood now.

After getting the position of the four emperors, when the time passes, they will be defeated one by one, and they will be brought under their command by using their interests. In this case, is their own power the strongest?

At this moment, there was the sound of fierce fighting in the distance.

After calculating the time, it should be almost time for Luffy and the others to start a conflict with others.

Luffy, who witnessed the explosion of the slave collar, must have been furious by now.

Just as he was about to pass, he was suddenly stopped.

"Wow, isn't this the Heavenly Emperor Chen Feng who was killed by the World Government at a huge price? What a good luck!"

Chen Feng heard the sound and looked around, only to see another group of people standing in front of them.

"Your life, I take it!!"

"Fart, it should be mine!!"

"You all get out of the way! This person is mine!!"

Before Chen Feng could open his mouth, they all started to quarrel.

"Che, a bunch of idiots, just fight there, I want the admission qualification of the Holy Land Mary Joa!!"

Just as they were arguing, a man rushed out, running towards Chen Feng and mocking behind him.

When those people saw this scene, they didn't fight anymore, and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Seeing these people, Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Does this bounty order work now?The attack on the Naval Headquarters, the Holy Land Mary Joa, and the destruction of Judiciary Island and Advance City have spread all over the world, why are these people still fighting so hard?

Even if you want to pick up leaks, you have to have leaks to pick up.

This time, Chen Feng did not use the ability of frozen fruit, but condensed two ice blades, one left and one right in his hands.

"This time, let's create blood, otherwise, there will always be people who don't recognize the gap."

After murmured, Chen Feng instantly disappeared in place.

Just when the group of people who came over were puzzled, Chen Feng suddenly appeared among them.

The ice blade waved, and blood flowed.

Chapter 5 Bounty Hunter (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The ice blade waved, and blood flowed.

Every time Chen Feng went down, he decided that there would be two or three people lying on the ground, unable to get up again.

However, for some unknown reason, more and more people were killed.

Chen Feng roughly estimated that he killed nearly forty people.

Looking around again, I found that the number of people seemed to have increased.

Although there are some doubts, Chen Feng can now be said to be open to all who come.

Come one to kill one, come one pair to kill one pair!

Although it is said that using the frozen fruit, these people can be eliminated at one time, but that can only feel the feeling of shock, and will not bring them the feeling of fear.

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