Therefore, Chen Feng chose to kill himself this time.

"Chen Feng, there are so many people over there, what should I do!!"

Just when Chen Feng was having fun, Nami's voice came over.

Looking up in the direction Nami pointed, he saw that there were at least a few hundred people behind, all rushing here.

"Go on!! Chen Feng is right there!!"

"The bounty is mine!! I don't know, how much is this Chen Feng's specific bounty?"

"Forget it, the bounty must be mine..."

Vaguely, Chen Feng understood what these people said.

It turned out that these people were bounty hunters who got the news.

Seeing this, Chen Feng decided not to ink ink anymore.

The cold air spewed out of his body and quickly spread to everyone.

When the cold air dissipated, there were ice sculptures in different poses all over the venue.

The bounty hunters in the back stopped in horror when they saw this scene.

Although they stopped, what they didn't see later won't stop.

So, the people in front were squeezed into the cold air and turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

If you don't stand firm and enter the cold air, you will not finish turning into an ice sculpture, and you will fall to the ground and break into countless pieces.

Finally, after dozens of people died, the people behind finally found something wrong, the noise stopped, and the scene was very quiet for a while.

The people in front looked at everything in front of them in horror, carefully not letting themselves touch the cold air, while the people in the back only saw white gas rising continuously in front of them, as if something bad happened. .

But they didn't know what was wrong.

Chen Feng looked up at them and walked towards the crowd.

Seeing him coming, the people in front all panicked and wanted to step back, but with so many people in the back, how could it be possible to move back.

Just like this again and again, another person was pushed into the cold air, but this guy's life is not very good, and he can't leave a whole body when he dies.


The crisp cracking sound was particularly obvious in the quiet environment. This time, even the last person in the crowd heard it.

"What, what's that sound?"

"Is it the sound of glass breaking?"

"No, it's not glass, it's ice cubes. There is a seafood shop next to my house, and they often break ice."

"Ice cubes? How come there are ice cubes here?"

Just as the people in the back were talking, they suddenly found that the people in the front started to riot.

It seems that they all want to run behind? .

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Labor and Management Specially Fighting Tianlong People (plus 1, please subscribe, please customize)

The person in front squeezed back, and the person in the back stood still, which resulted in a very funny picture.

The people in front were already crowded and there was no room for them, but they were still crowding back. Especially, wherever Chen Feng walked, that place would be more crowded than the one next to him.

With a disdainful snort, Chen Feng turned back, took Nami's hand, and flew directly towards the place where the fighting sound came from.

The group of bounty hunters on the ground stared blankly at Chen Feng, and just flew over their heads, daring not to make the slightest movement.

If he can fly, it means that Chen Feng is a Devil Fruit ability person. Since he is an ability person, it is not something that ordinary people like them can deal with.

You must know that there is no one who can be rewarded with Devil Fruit abilities.

The people in front waited until they couldn't see Chen Feng's figure, then heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on the ground.

The people behind, at this time, only saw what happened in front.

Within a range of nearly [-] meters, there were nearly forty ice sculptures, and even counting the dead on the ground, nearly eighty people were dead.

Some people were curious and reached out to touch the cold air that had not completely dissipated on the ground. In an instant, the entire hand was frozen, and the traces of Frozen 18 continued to spread upward.

This scene made the people next to him terrified, leaving the man alone and crying non-stop.

Finally, someone gritted his teeth and walked up, slashing his arm with a knife from the shoulder.

Before the arm fell to the ground, it was completely frozen, fell to the ground, and instantly shattered into seven or eight pieces.

And that man passed out after watching the broken arm shatter.

This kind of power made everyone see another burst of cold sweat.

"This, is this the ability of that Heavenly Emperor Chen Feng?"

"I, I originally, originally thought I could pick up a leak and knot, but I didn't expect..."

"Fortunately, I didn't rush that fast just now."

"Take it down. Didn't you just complain about me, was it too late to tell you this?"

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