Now, seeing Chen Feng, how could she not be excited.

When I saw Chen Feng, I was stunned with excitement, otherwise, I couldn't have waited until now to come out.

"Ah!! I've hugged Lord Tiandi!! So excited!!!"

Chen Feng looked at Joe Ellie Bonney who was lying on the ground and hugging his calf with a speechless expression.

"Lord Tiandi, may I ask, what's going on here?"

Nami was on the side, clenching her fist with a black line, watching Chen Feng grit his teeth and say.

"Uh, I..."

"Who are you! Why do you call my Lord Tiandi so intimate?"

As soon as Chen Feng spoke, Joe Ellie Bonnie interrupted him, looked at Nami fiercely, and said while hugging Chen Feng's legs tightly.

"Ha? What qualifications do you have to speak of me as a woman who appeared out of nowhere? I'm the woman Chen Feng has been by his side since he left the sea. What kind of onion are you sour?"

Chapter 1 Robbing the Warring States Again (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Ha? What qualifications do you have to speak of me as a woman who appeared out of nowhere? I'm the woman Chen Feng has been by his side since he left the sea. What kind of onion are you sour?"

"You woman, if you want a chest without a chest, a butt without a butt, and you are older than me, what capital do you have!"


Chen Feng looked at the two women with a headache, and each of them shuddered neatly.

"You two, can you find a place where there is no one to quarrel? I didn't see so many people watching."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the two of them reacted. They looked around, and everyone in the circle looked at the two of them in stunned eyes, and they couldn't help blushing.

At this moment, a yellow light flashed, and one more person appeared on the field.

This person is the yellow ape who ate the glittering fruit.

"Well? It's quite lively, do you mind adding...add..."

The yellow ape, who was just about to pretend to be arrogant, suddenly saw Chen Feng and stuttered when he spoke.

"Add what? What do you say?"

Chen Feng teased with a playful tone.

"Plus, what to add? This person is getting old, and it's easy to forget things, alas."

After talking for a long time, Huang Yuan finally patted his head and popped out such a sentence, and then the whole person turned into a light, thinking about running outside.

"It's coming, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Of course, Chen Feng wouldn't let him leave so easily. He kicked him back with a single kick and stood beside him.

"Cough cough cough..."

Huang Yuan propped himself up, coughed a few times, and wiped a trace of blood from his mouth.

"I'm going!! Is it that strong?"

"No wonder, the world government wants him so wanted!"

"It seems that those few things about him are true."

Regardless of the surrounding discussions, Kizaru stood up again, looked at Chen Feng with a sullen face and asked.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Nothing, let Warring States pay compensation."

Chen Feng shrugged, then said.

"Spiritual loss fee, strength loss fee, and the ransom of your person, I will give you a discount, [-] billion baileys."

"What!! Impossible!!!"

When Kizuna heard this, he immediately roared.

"You robbed you of [-] billion last time, and the navy doesn't have much liquidity anymore."

"Well? Remember, I'm not talking about conditions, this is a requirement, otherwise, you will be like that dead dog."

Chen Feng snorted coldly, used the ability of frozen fruit to create a prison and locked him inside, and then used the ability of time to cover the outside to prevent him from escaping.

"Don't be rash (good Zhao Hao) thinking about being able to come out from the inside. The layer that surrounds me is not easy. If you encounter it, you will be finished."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng asked Nami to find a phone bug and call Warring States.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, just as Nami was about to set off to look for it, Joelie Bonnie took out a phone bug first.

"Such a big phone bug, where did you get it!!"

Watching Joe Ellie Bonney hand over the phone bug to Chen Feng in a stunned manner, Nami asked very puzzled.

"You care about me."

Hearing this, Nami glared at her again, and Joelie Bonnie was not to be outdone, so the two stared at her.

After letting Kizaru dial the number, not long after, the voice of the Warring States came from the phone.

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