"Hey, I'm Warring States, who are you?"

"Yo, Warring States, I am Chen Feng, the Emperor of Heaven, and now the Yellow Ape is in my hands, with [-] billion baileys, otherwise you will just wait for him to become like a dead dog."

Chapter 2 Humanoid Weapons (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Zhan Guo was stunned, and then became furious.

"It's [-] billion again, it's [-] billion again, why don't you grab it!!!"

Warring States can now be said to be furious, and for a moment, a thought that should not have arisen.

"Just, don't save it, let him fend for himself."

But as soon as the idea came out, he was thrown away.

After all, Aokiji and Kiabou were the only generals in the Navy Headquarters left, and they couldn't lose any more.

There was no way, the Warring States had to find someone to prepare the money.

On the other side, just after calling and returning the phone bug to Joe Ellie Bonney, Chen Feng found out that the supporters from the navy had also arrived.

A beam of light shot straight at Chen Feng.

Without seeing any movement from him, an ice wall appeared in front of him, blocking the beam of light.

"Huh? Tyrant Bartholomew Bear?"

Bartholomew Bear, one of the seven seas of Wuhai, after being transformed by the world government, has several fruit abilities of the kiwi, but the power has decreased.

With superhuman flesh ball fruit, the cat-like flesh pads in both palms can bounce off anything, including fatigue and pain, and can also bounce air into palm-shaped shock waves at the speed of light and continuously penetrate objects.

After being blocked by Chen Feng, Bartholomew Xiong opened his mouth again, and 720 energy began to gather in his mouth.

After a while, another beam of light shot towards Chen Feng.

"It's really troublesome."

Chen Feng did not hide this time, and let the beam of light hit him.

However, even Huang Yuan's ability was useless to Chen Feng. How could his beam of light, which was weakened several times, hurt Chen Feng.

With one punch, the fist formed by lava flew towards Bartholomew Bear.

Seeing Chen Feng's shot, Bartholomew Xiong stretched out his hands, what looked like a cat's flesh pad on his hands, and after touching the lava fist, he bounced it away.

Seeing that this skill was useless to him, Chen Feng snorted coldly, left the place, and came to him.

"Lava is useless, this is always okay, right?"

A slap hit Bartholomew Bear's body, and the cold air surged out, covering him instantly.

In just an instant, Bartholomew Bear was frozen.

After finishing this guy, Chen Feng looked around again.

At this time, a large number of navies (bibg) had been surrounded all around, and these were all sent to kill Chen Feng.

This time, without any nonsense, while Chen Feng and Bartholomew Xiong were fighting, they had already arranged all the weapons.

"Aim! Strike indiscriminately! Fire!!"

With an order, all the artillery opened fire on Chen Feng.

For a while, the sound of cannons and gunshots continued, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the entire island.

"These people really don't have a long memory!!"

With a cold snort, Chen Feng came to Nami and Joe Ellie Bonney, and a protective shield formed of ice enveloped them.

"Yeah, this group of people is really annoying!! They still want to be intimate with Lord Tiandi!!"

Joelie Bonnie looked at the group of navies around her with disgust.

"What a bunch of nasty people!!"

I didn't see any movement from him, and the surrounding navy began to change one after another.

Some turned into children, and some turned into old people.

"what happened!!!"

Chapter 2 Humanoid Weapons (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"what happened!!!"

"What's going on!!"

"How could this be?"

"Ah!! My waist hurts so much..."

Seeing that these navy members either turned into old people or turned into children, Chen Feng was also stunned.


A voice came from Joe Ellie Bonney's stomach.

"Huh? Are you hungry?"

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