This news shocked everyone.

Although I know that Chen Feng is very strong, but this is too arrogant, right?

"Goo la la la, sons!! Let's go and give that kid some color!!"

In a certain sea area in the New World, on the main ship of a huge fleet, Whitebeard drank his wine and said.

"Oh!!! Dad is the strongest!!!"

"Yes! Let that goddamn god, get out of the way!!"

"Daddy is number one in the world!!"

When the people on the boat heard his words, they all shouted with their wine glasses up.

In their opinion, Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world. As for Chen Feng who suddenly appeared, it is nothing at all.

"Gu la la la, sons, the banquet is on!! Let's have a carnival, go to Marin Fando, let's make a big fuss!!"


“Banquet Banquet!!!”

The banquet on the Whitebeard ship was very lively, without the atmosphere before the war at all.

On an island in the New World, the red-haired Shanks is leading his men to rest on this island.

"Ship, Captain!!"

Suddenly, a man rushed over with a newspaper in his hand.

Because he was running too fast, he couldn't speak at all, and he was panting heavily while leaning on his knees.

A glass full of wine was placed in front of him.


As soon as he grabbed the cup, he poured it into his mouth.

"Don't worry, what happened, speak slowly."

Another pirate next to him patted him on the shoulder and said.


After drinking the wine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the talent continued to speak.

Chapter 3 Responses from all parties (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After drinking the wine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the talent continued to speak.

"The big thing is bad!! That Heavenly Emperor Chen Feng, he, he..."

"What's up with him?"

His words caught Shanks' attention.

The man put the newspaper in front of Shanks and pointed to a report on it.

"He asked all the pirates to go to Marine Fando and join his subordinates, otherwise, he would personally kill those pirates who didn't go after the event."

Shanks looked at the newspaper without saying a word, his face a little dignified.

However, his subordinates were not so calm.

"Who does he think he is?"

"Isn't it just the legend that he made a fuss about the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joa, who knows if it's true or not."

"Damn! Let's go kill him!!"

"No, we won't go, wait for him to come, kill him!!"

"Yes, wait for him to come and kill him!!"

Shanks neither objected nor agreed with the words of his subordinates.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

After a long time, he dropped the newspaper and stood up.

Seeing him stand up, everyone else fell silent, waiting for her instructions.

"Let's go to Marin Fando!!"

"Why go? Do you want to join him?"


Shanks had expected their reaction, and he waved his hand flatly. After the people were quiet, he continued to speak.

"Let's go over and look at the situation first. It's not that we must join him. If his strength is not good, we can teach this arrogant guy a lesson."


"Teach that guy a lesson!!"

"Let him know how great we are!!"

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