
Shanks looked at the reaction of his subordinates, smiled, and strode forward.

"Go, Marin Fando!!"


Chen Feng didn't know the reactions of all parties, but even if he knew, he wouldn't have any reaction.

Because it was all within his expectations.

This news was also released on purpose by him.

Now his strength is at the peak in the pirate world, so he is ready to solve all the troubles at one time and go to the next world.

"What do you want? Do you want to destroy the world?"

Warring States sat in the huge conference room, looking at Chen Feng in the main seat and asked.

"Destroy the world? No, I'm not interested in that."

Chen Feng played with the ice cubes in his hands boredly. The ice cubes kept changing shapes in his hands. Then, a bit of hot magma appeared in his hands and slowly merged with the ice cubes.

Warring States looked at the two completely different things in Chen Feng's hands, merged together, and a look of horror appeared in the depths of his eyes.

You know, ice and fire are two completely incompatible elements, let alone ice and magma, and it is even more impossible to fuse.

However, now this impossible thing has been realized in Chen Feng's hands.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Warring States felt that he was about to be driven mad by Chen Feng. He had never felt like he had never felt before, which made him very confused now.

"I just want to create an era that belongs to me."

Chapter 4 Please Die Again (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)


Sengoku sat in the empty conference room and hammered the table hard. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

"What do you call someone to call him!! This bastard!!"

"Warring States, I'll leave it to you here. When they arrive, remember to call me!"

Chen Feng's voice seemed to be in his ears again, making him unable to resist hammering the table again. This time, the force was obviously stronger than the last time, and he directly hammered a hole out of the table.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, went to the Holy Land Mary Joa again alone.

When he came to Mary Joa again, Chen Feng found that the damage he caused last time had been repaired.

Strolling down the streets of Mary Joa, Chen Feng looked around at random.

It has to be said that the group of Tianlong people will indeed enjoy life.

A magnificent building with gold everywhere.

Every month, countries around the world pay tribute to the "eight zero zero" gold, and most of them are used for decoration.

The people on the street were wearing bubble hoods, and curiously looked at Chen Feng, the man without a bubble hood.

However, most of them looked at Chen Feng with disgust.

"Well? How can there be human beings in the Holy Land?"

"What does the Navy do? Didn't stop him?"

"What a disgusting race."

Listening to the discussions of the Tianlong people around, a cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Do you hold your own noble Tianlong people? Just treat me as making a contribution to the world."

The golden light lit up on him, his hands were raised, and all the golden light condensed in the middle of his hands, forming a light group.

Feeling that it was almost the same, Chen Feng yanked his hands apart, and the light group exploded directly with his movements.

It was like a still water surface that was suddenly thrown into something, and circles of golden ripples quickly swept around.

Anyone who was touched by the golden ripples stopped moving in an instant, and then, as if they were twisted by something, they disappeared in place.

This scene is being played out in the entire Holy Land Mary Joa, everywhere.

However, the amazing thing is that these golden ripples did not change when they came into contact with creatures other than Tianlong people. Only in Tianlong people would there be changes.

This scene surprised and delighted those ordinary people or other races who were enslaved.

Surprisingly, I don't know why these Heavenly Dragon people suddenly disappeared, and this golden ripple will have any bad consequences for themselves.

The happy thing is that the Tianlong people disappeared, which means that they are no longer slaves.

"what happened?!!"

Feeling this energy, Charmaco sat up straight.

"Well? How do you feel, a little familiar?"

Andre touched the beard on his chin and said thoughtfully.

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