"Do not transmit."

[The host can stay in this world for a day, and will start teleportation on time in the early morning of tomorrow. The remaining time is 23:58:40. During this period, players can start teleportation by themselves. 】

Chen Feng found that this time he changed the world, and he didn't have any other choices, just talking about the intermediate world. Is it random?Also, the stay time is much less than the last time.

However, Chen Feng didn't care, no matter which world there is a system, he is the strongest one.

Back in the room, lying back between the two women, Chen Feng entered his dream again.

In the morning, Chen Feng told the two daughters that he was about to leave, and informed Liu Xia'er of the existence.

The two women did not show any dissatisfaction with this, but couldn't wait to meet Liu Xia'er.

Include Nami and Bonnie in the secret realm, and then follow them in.

At this time, Liu Xia'er was practicing martial arts in the secret realm, and her cultivation had already reached the Void-breaking realm.

Chapter 2 The New World (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this time, Liu Xia'er was practicing martial arts in the secret realm, and her cultivation had already reached the Void-breaking realm.

Suddenly, two girls suddenly appeared in front of her, startling her.

But after seeing the appearance of the two of them, she relaxed, put down the things in her hand, walked quickly to them, grabbed the hands of the two, and asked affectionately.

"You are Nami and Bonnie, right? I'm Liu Xia'er. Brother Feng mentioned you to me."

During this period of time, Chen Feng would come in to accompany her from time to time, and told her about the existence of Nami and Bonnie.

At the beginning, there was indeed some discomfort in her heart, but as time passed, she also saw it.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

She understood that a person like Chen Feng could not be the only woman.

Therefore, instead of making the two of them unhappy, it is better to accept it calmly.

After Chen Feng came in, he saw that Liu Xia'er was not angry, so he put his heart down.

Looking at Liu Xia'er apologetically, she said.

"You guys just stay here, I'll go out and take care of something, and then we're off to the next world."

"Brother Feng, let's go, I want to chat with the two younger sisters."

"Yes, yes, you can do your own thing, the three of us can talk."

After speaking, the three women started chattering away, completely ignoring Chen Feng who was beside him.


Scratching his head in embarrassment, Chen Feng had no choice but to leave the secret realm.

It is said that three women together is equivalent to three hundred ducks, that is still an ordinary woman, and the three women of my own are all powerful.

Even Nami, fed by Chen Feng's medicinal pills, has become very strong, at least, it can be on par with Sanji.

Leaving the secret realm, Chen Feng found a pen and paper, wrote a letter, and then split up another clone and asked him to give the letter to Warring States.

After doing these things, Chen Feng directly started the teleportation.

"System, start teleporting the new world."

[Ding, scan the new world... Scanning is complete, transmission begins...]

As the system's voice fell, Chen Feng's body turned into a spot of light and scattered.

On the other hand, after reading the letter written by Chen Feng, Warring States immediately became angry.

"This bastard!! I ran away and threw this stall to me, and what did I say to let the clone help me, you bastard!!!"

After cursing a few words, he could only helplessly sit down again, looking at the sky outside the window, and whispering softly.

"Boy, don't die, in the new world."


[New World Confirmation, Intermediate World, Earth Immortal World. 】

[Data transmission in progress... Transmission completed. 】

[Local identity matching...matching completed. 】

[This world mission is a chain mission, and the first stage mission is now issued. 】


Chapter 3 Earth Immortal World (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

[Please obtain the admission qualification of Qimu Academy. 】

[Reward: Unknown]

Hearing the mission, Chen Feng didn't care, but took advantage of the transmission time to look at the world's information.

Earth Immortal World is the upper-level world that all lower-level worlds are connected to.

All low-level worlds will be brought to this world after they cultivate to the end and reach their peak strength.

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