Pulling anyone from the Earth Immortal Realm to the Nether Realm has great power, but because of the world barrier, people from the Earth Immortal Realm cannot go to the Nether Realm.

Transforming the source, returning to the source, consolidating the source, concentrating, the real person, the god, the real king, the venerable, the supreme, this is the realm division of this world.

In this world, there are five powers, namely Yongsui Mansion, Zhongguang Mansion, Tianren Mansion, Wu Mansion and Anyi Mansion. These five mansions are the five largest powers in the Immortal Realm, subordinate to major cities.

The Qimu Academy mentioned in the "March [-]" mission is the first of the three academies in Wufu, and has always supplied high-end combat power and talents to Wufu.

At this moment, with the appearance of a burst of white light, the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding, the transfer is completed, because the host has entered the intermediate world, so the attributes will not be reset. The attributes of the first three worlds are merged, and the skills and physiques are retained. Please check the new attribute interface for the host. I wish the host a happy journey. 】

The system's voice fell and the white light disappeared. Chen Feng immediately opened his information bar to check.

【Name: Chen Feng

Status: The third son of the Wufu Palace Master

Age: 16

Cultivation: Returning to the source of the third grade (the first grade of physical concentration)

Progress: 40%

Physique: Body of the Demon God (fusion of the first three world attributes)

Talents: super epiphany, full-plane data mode, random experience, elementalization...

Skills: Absolute Defense, Dragon Tournament, Time Prison, Time Rewind...]

After reading it, I found that many of my skills from the first world and the second world have come back, probably because the Earth Immortal World belongs to the intermediate world.

Not long after reading the attributes, someone knocked on the door a few times, and then pushed the door directly in.

At this time, he realized that he was in a luxurious room.

Turning to look, a middle-aged man walked in.

With a slight turn in his mind, information about this middle-aged man appeared.

This person's name is Chen Mingxuan, and he is the current Palace Master of the Wufu, with a tenth-grade cultivation of Heaven and Human, which makes him occupy the top three positions among the five Palace Masters.

"Feng'er, how are you feeling now?"

As soon as the middle-aged man came in, he saw Chen Feng sitting by the bed, walked over quickly, and asked with concern.

Hearing his words, Chen Feng hurried back.

"Thank you for your concern, Father, the child is safe."

"Well, it's fine."

Hearing this, Chen Mingxuan was obviously relieved.

"You have been frail and sick since you were a child, and your mother left you so early, you have suffered, alas..."

Saying that, a trace of sadness appeared on Chen Mingxuan's face.

Knowing from memory, Chen Feng's current mother died when she was a child and is no longer in the world, so his father and two older brothers doted on him very much, which led him to develop a playful character.

This time, it was also a disaster, provoking a stunned young man from a foreign government, desperately rushing past the guard's protection and injuring his predecessor.

"Father, after this incident, the child wants to exercise."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Chen Mingxuan's eyes lit up, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

"Is this true?"


Chapter 3 Earth Immortal (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


"Good good!!"

Chen Mingxuan said good things three times in a row, then calmed down. After thinking for a while, he looked at Chen Feng.

"Feng'er, you've made up your mind, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Qimu Academy!"

"Well? Qimu Academy, it's not impossible, but, Feng'er, you know the rules of Qimu Academy. If you fail the admissions assessment, even if you are a father, you won't be able to help you."

Chen Feng's words made Chen Mingxuan stunned for a moment, and then he said.

"Father, please rest assured, the child has the confidence to pass the test!!"

The firm look in Chen Feng's eyes made Chen Mingxuan put down his heart.

"Okay! Since my son has such confidence, I'll sign you up for my father."

After speaking, Chen Mingxuan turned around and hurriedly left the room.

The registration for Qimu Academy ended yesterday, and the assessment will start tomorrow. He must go to Qimu Academy in person, otherwise, the name may not be registered.

After Chen Mingxuan left, Chen Feng hurriedly took out all the medicinal pills that he had refined before that could improve his cultivation.

Regardless of the effect, all the brains were stuffed into the mouth. . .

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