It's a seal, which means the place hasn't been occupied yet.

Once someone moves in, the seal will disappear, replaced by a formation.

Chen Feng smashed the jade slip into pieces, and the pale yellow mask disappeared.

Before the formation was raised, he walked in quickly and took the other jade slip hanging on the door into his hand.

This jade slip is not only an introduction to entering and exiting the formation, but also his identity token. Just put his divine sense imprint in it, and his personal information will be instilled into this jade slip.

This made Chen Feng feel very new.

It's like being connected to the Internet, just extracting information directly from the information base.

Although from the outside of the yard, there is nothing in this single-family courtyard, and it is not too big, but when he entered the yard 383, Chen Feng realized that this yard actually used the formation method of Sumeru mustard seeds, and the space was a bit too large. .

There was a bamboo forest in front of him, and a small path spread out towards it.

Every now and then, I could hear birds chirping in the woods.

Going down the trail, there will be three forks.

According to the map on the jade slip, there is a pavilion on the left. When you have nothing to do, you can go to the pavilion to drink tea or something. If you go further, it is a martial arts field where you can go there to practice martial arts.

The fork on the right leads to a small lake, yes, a small lake, with an area one-third the size of the lake outside.

The straight road leads to the residence.

After wandering around at random, I was stunned for a while in the pavilion, walked around in the martial arts field, and ran to the small lake for a stroll, and then I came to my residence with satisfaction.

The residence also uses the formation of virtual mustard seeds. From the outside, it is just a thatched hut, but when you open the door and go in, the inside is equally astonishing.

However, although it is a bit bigger, the facilities are ten (bjci) simple.

The furnishings are similar to the front hall of his house, except that there are many decorations missing.

After finding the bedroom, Chen Feng jumped directly onto the bed, listened to Ye Zisha's rustling voice outside, and slowly closed his eyes.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, a wave of fluctuations came from the jade slip on his waist, which woke him up.

I took the jade slip, poured my divine sense into it, and saw a message.

"Freshmen, please rush to the academy's martial arts field immediately. The ranking of freshmen's strength will start immediately. The ranking of this ranking will determine which class you are in and how many resources you can enjoy. Please hurry up."

Seeing this message, Chen Feng sat up lazily from the bed, stretched his waist, and walked out slowly.

For him, this ranking is not that important.

After all, when he left home, Chen Mingxuan had given him a lot of resources, enough for him to cultivate to the real world.

However, resources are something that no one thinks is too little, right?

On the way to the Yanwuchang, Chen Feng saw many people, all of them heading in the direction of the Yanwuchang.

However, some of these people are purely for jokes.

"Hey, look, he's the guy who inspired the dragon soul."


Chapter 1 Ranking of new students' strength (add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


"Sure enough, it looks like a talent, but compared to me, there is still some gap."

"Pfft, just you? Hahaha, dream."

"He's so handsome, it's like marrying him."

"Come on, isn't it the first in talent? Now we're doing a ranking of strength. Maybe he's a waste who can't even reach the source of transformation."

"You are jealous!!"

"Who is jealous of him, see if I don't beat him!!"

Chen Feng listened to the discussions around him, smiled faintly, and continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the other direction, and when I turned to look, it was one person who caught the attention of the other students.

"Look over there!! That's Wei Chenyi, who is in the top ten of the Tianjiao list."

"And over there, that Yuan Yingyao is also on the Tianjiao list."

"I'm going, they're all ten-ranked. If they're here, what else is there to do with us."

"That's right, their talents are also very high. It is said that they have cultivated since childhood, and the resources given to them by their families are useless. They all cultivated on their own."

"I'm going, I have talent and strength, and my background is so strong, what should we do!"

"Well, it seems that we can only fight for the latter."

While speaking, Chen Feng was already facing those two people.

Seeing Chen Feng, the other two showed contemptuous eyes.

From their point of view, Chen Feng is just a good talent. Although he may catch up with them soon, but now, he can't compare to them at all.

Because they couldn't feel any aura from Chen Feng, they naturally classified Chen Feng as the kind of lucky person.

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