If you let them know that Chen Feng is now at the ninth grade of concentration, and it is only because of the system that he can't feel the breath, I am afraid that his eyes will fall to the ground.

However, what they didn't expect was that Chen Feng just glanced at them, then passed them directly and walked towards the martial arts field.

This attitude made the two of them angry for a while.

"Hey, I heard that you came in through the back door?"

Yuan Yingyao couldn't help but shouted.

"Well? Do you have an opinion?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng turned his head to look at him.

Yuan Yingyao saw that Chen Feng had stopped and was about to speak, but Chen Feng did not give him the opportunity and continued.

"I have reservations, I don't accept any opinions."

After speaking, Chen Feng turned around and left. This time, he was not given any chance to speak.

Yuan Yingyao was caught off guard by Chen Feng's hand, his face turned blue and red, and finally turned pale.

With a gloomy look in his eyes, he stared straight at Chen Feng's back.

"Damn, how dare you treat this young master like this, this young master wants you to look good!!".

Chapter 1: Target first place? (5/[-] ask for subscription, ask for custom)

[Ding, release the task. 】

[Please host in this ranking competition and get the first place. 】

[Reward: Unknown. 】

For Chen Feng, this task just happened to be easy.

However, after the task was sent out, the sound of the system rang again.

[Ding, the host has completed the first stage of the task, and now the reward-reward is issued. 】

[The reward points are 1000 points, the general outline of the refining tool. 】

"Well? The general outline of the refining tool? Yes, I can just re-refine what I got before, system, learn!"

[Ding, congratulations to the host, learn to refine. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the refining level has been raised to the apprentice level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the refining level has been upgraded to entry-level. 】

[Ding, the host has an epiphany, the refining level has been raised to the small level. 】


[Ding, the host has an epiphany, and the refining level has been raised to the god level. 】

As the system's voice fell, a lot of information about the refining techniques, formations and other related information appeared in his mind.

With one mind and two uses, while checking the information in his head, he walked forward, and soon came to the martial arts field.

At this time, a ring appeared on the martial arts arena, surrounded by stands.

The stands are full, and players need to wait in a special area.

Behind the jury, there is a crystal screen, which should be used to launch the game using refraction.

Not long after Chen Feng entered the waiting area and sat down, a referee walked into the middle of the field, and at the same time, his figure also appeared on the screen.

"Qimu Academy's strength ranking competition this year is about to start, and this competition system is somewhat different from previous years."

After speaking, the referee paused, looked around, and then continued.

"Because a student who inspired the dragon soul appeared this year, the rules were temporarily changed."

"First of all, this year's [-] freshmen will fight and stick to the last [-], and then the next round will begin. Now, the first round begins!!"

After he left the ring, someone came to the waiting area and told them to enter the ring.

When going up, Chen Feng saw the two people who were said to be in the top ten on the Tianjiao list.

And the two of them also saw him, that Wei Chenyi was nothing, but Yuan Yingyao's face darkened immediately after seeing Chen Feng, and then he swiped his hand in front of his throat.

Seeing his actions, Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckle, ignoring him, and walked to a corner of the ring on his own.

Seeing this, Yuan Yingyao's face changed again, and in the end he could only give him a hateful look and boarded the ring.

After everyone was on the ring, several mentors walked under the ring and made seals with their hands.

Following their movements, a barrier glowing with a faint golden light enveloped the entire arena.

"Attention, the only rule of the game is to not hurt anyone's life!! Otherwise, you will be expelled from the Qimu Academy!! The game starts!!"

Seeing that all the preparations have been made, the referee spoke again.

With an order, basically everyone moved.

Originally, Chen Feng thought that there would not be too many people on his side. After all, during the admissions assessment, he caused such a big movement, how many people would care about this.

But to his surprise, many people pressed towards him at the beginning of the game.

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